Chapter 8
Discussion: Chapter 8 {3-4 Sentences Each} What thoughts, ideas, or feelings come to you when you read the title, “Gift for the Darkness”? Now that Jack has left the group, what do you think will happen to the boys? Why do you think Simon goes off into the forest alone? Why do you think Jack says he may not let some boys join his tribe? What do you think is happening between Simon and the Lord of the Flies at the end of the chapter?
SOCIAL MEDIA Ralph Jack Piggy Simon Roger Samneric Littluns USER NAME POST 1 OR 2 HASHTAGS Jack Piggy Simon ***GROUPS OF 3-4 ***ANYTHING INAPPROPRIATE = AUTOMATIC ZERO ON ASSIGNMENT Roger Samneric Littluns
Plot Analysis: Rising Action Five Elements of the Rising Action Decide which five events are the most important in the storyline thus far. Write a brief summary of each one below. Include page #’s. Draw the Plot Illustrate the plot action up to this point. The basic plot diagram is shown below. Explain and label the five rising action events described above. Climax Rising Action Description Resolution
Symbolism: The Lord of the Flies What is the Lord of the Flies? Of course, the simple answer is it is a pig’s head on a stick, an offering to the beast, which attracts a lot of flies. As with all symbols, though, we need to go deeper. The questions below help you work through some ideas and arrive at your own conclusions regarding the Lord of the Flies. How is the Lord of the Flies like a devil in the novel? How is this an appropriate symbol for the story? What is the purpose of including this symbol in the story?