Minds-On Have you chosen the short story you want to analyse?


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Presentation transcript:

Minds-On Have you chosen the short story you want to analyse? Have you chosen the short story you want to use for your literary essay? What is the theme that you’re going to analyze? How is that theme developed? Watch a video on Symbols.

How do I structure my essay To know what a literary essay and a thesis statement are. To understand how to structure an essay. To be able to start planning your outline of your own literary essay. Thesis; Theme; Introduction; Body Paragraphs; Conclusion; Analysis; Literary Terms

Introduction to Essay Writing

What is wrong with these thesis statements? Why does the author make the reader want to believe that people are evil? In this paper, the author uses many symbols to illustrate the theme that people must always face their fears. The reader is scared. Men are pigs. The theme, characters, setting, irony, conflicts, viewpoint, and plot all contribute to making the short story a tragedy. The story’s theme is that bad people will be defeated by good people.

A nice thesis statement example: Unfocused: Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club is a candid portrayal of Chinese American mother-daughter relationships. Focused: In The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan skillfully illustrates how cultural, generational, and internal conflicts between Chinese-American mothers and daughters all add to the difficulty and character of the immigrant experience.

What words come to mind when you see this symbol? $

People can be excluded from society for being different Now let’s make a list of how this theme is developed in “The Image of the Lost Soul” People can be excluded from society for being different Setting Characters Symbols Conflict

How am I going to prove my thesis? To know my essay topic and thesis. To understand the importance of finding quotations as evidence to prove my thesis. To be able to organize an outline of your points and evidence to support your thesis. Theme; Thesis; Symbol; Conflict; Point; Evidence; Quotation

Let’s read through what makes a good thesis statement. To know my essay topic and thesis. To understand the importance of finding quotations as evidence to prove my thesis. Let’s read through what makes a good thesis statement. Then, I want you to further develop your thesis statements. Theme; Thesis; Symbol; Conflict; Point; Evidence; Quotation

Theme; Thesis; Symbol; Conflict; Point; Evidence; Quotation To know my essay topic and thesis. To understand the importance of finding quotations as evidence to prove my thesis. Let’s go through the Literary Essay Outline, which will be due on today. You will be creating your thesis statement (your argument that relates to the theme). This assignment is pretty simple, because all you need to do is -Get your thesis statement. -Get your points that prove your thesis. -Get your quotations. Theme; Thesis; Symbol; Conflict; Point; Evidence; Quotation

You are only finding the POINTS and the QUOTATIONS. To understand the importance of finding quotations as evidence to prove my thesis. To be able to organize an outline of your points and evidence to support your thesis. I asked you to finish reading the Lord of the Flies essay for homework. In your groups, you’re going to make an outline of one of the essays, either The Lord of the Flies essay or “The Image of the Lost Soul” essay, so that you know what you have to do for your own essay. You are only finding the POINTS and the QUOTATIONS. Theme; Thesis; Symbol; Conflict; Point; Evidence; Quotation

Remember that your thesis should relate somehow to the theme. To be able to organize an outline of your points and evidence to support your thesis. Now start working on your own literary essay outline that is due Today. Remember that your thesis should relate somehow to the theme. Don’t use clichés and don’t make it too, too obvious. (e.g., Bad people always lose to a hero) Theme; Thesis; Symbol; Conflict; Point; Evidence; Quotation

NOTE!!!!!!!! Each body paragraph should have two quotations that relate to the point/topic sentence. If you only have one (1) quotation to support your point, then the highest mark you can receive is a 60%. If you two or more (2 or more) quotations in each body paragraph to support your point, then you can get a better grade. That’s if your grammar is good, and there is strong analysis to support your thesis. Theme; Thesis; Symbol; Conflict; Point; Evidence; Quotation

Consolidation Let’s read through a guide on how to write a literary essay. It’ll help us review from yesterday.

Test Friday 11 December 2015 I’m giving you a practice test today, so you have many days to work on it.

What theme am I going to try to prove? To know my thesis statement and the theme that I’m going to try to prove. (ARGUE IT) To understand the importance of finding quotations as evidence to prove my thesis. (PROVE IT) To be able to start analyzing/explaining the quotations that I am using in my body paragraphs; how do the quotations prove my thesis? (ANALYZE IT) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnq17dyxyu4 Theme; Thesis; Symbol; Conflict; Point; Evidence; Quotation

To know my thesis statement and the theme that I’m going to try to prove. (ARGUE IT) In your groups, I want you to work on the questions of what makes a good thesis statement. Your tables will be numbered off 1, 2, or 3. Answer the questions. Have one speaker in the group present your group’s findings. Theme; Thesis; Symbol; Conflict; Point; Evidence; Quotation

Body Paragraph (VERSION #1) i. e Body Paragraph (VERSION #1) i.e., the part where you get the most marks! FIRST POINT: an idea or point to prove your thesis. This part you explain in your words, but in an objective manner (2-3 sentences). Introduce the first piece of evidence. FIRST EXAMPLE/EVIDENCE: either direct quotation or paraphrased information from the book. Page numbers needed! EXPLAIN AND ANALYZE this quotation. How does this piece of evidence prove your POINT and THESIS? Why is this evidence important? Introduce the second piece of evidence. SECOND EXAMPLE/EVIDENCE: either direct quotation or paraphrased information from the book. Page numbers needed! EXPLAIN AND ANALYZE this quotation; remember, both examples need to be related to the POINT. How does this piece of evidence prove your POINT and THESIS? Why is this evidence important?

Body Paragraph (VERSION #2) i. e Body Paragraph (VERSION #2) i.e., the part where you get the most marks! FIRST POINT: an idea or point to prove your thesis. This part you explain in your words, but in an objective manner (2-3 sentences). Introduce the pieces of evidence. FIRST EXAMPLE/EVIDENCE: either direct quotation or paraphrased information from the book. Page numbers needed! Introduce the second piece of evidence. SECOND EXAMPLE/EVIDENCE: either direct quotation or paraphrased information from the book. Page numbers needed! EXPLAIN AND ANALYZE both quotations; remember, both examples need to be related to the POINT. How do the two pieces of evidence prove your POINT and THESIS? Why are these pieces of evidence important?

Thesis Question: How does Shrek change in the film? The film Shrek pairs characters with contrasting personalities, which gives the message that people can get along no matter how different they may be. [Perhaps not the greatest, but it is enough to get the point across, and the example body paragraph I want to show you]

Shrek’s attitude towards friendship changes. Point Example point: Shrek’s attitude towards friendship changes.

Evidence + Explanation Both should be hand in hand Evidence can either take the form of references (pointing out specific scenes) or quotations Explanation should interpret the evidence for the reader

Evidence + Explanation Example evidence: This transformation can be clearly seen from his care and concern for Donkey and Fiona towards the end of the story, as compared to how he preferred being alone in the beginning.

Evidence + Explanation Example evidence: For instance, he insists on Donkey ‘leav[ing] [him] alone’ in the beginning, but eventually develops a close friendship with him. In addition, he begins to develop feelings for Fiona as they continue travelling to the castle; Shrek realizes that he does not want her to marry the King. NOTE: These examples could be more specific with direct quotations or specific paraphrasing!!!!!!!

Explanation Use analytical language [too simple] This evidence shows that… It is evident from this [NOUN] that… This evidence explains… BEWARE of lapsing into narrative. The teacher already knows the story; please don’t retell it. Also, use a variety of transitional devices.

Explanation For instance, he insists on Donkey ‘leav[ing] [him] alone’ in the beginning, but eventually develops a close friendship with him. In addition, he begins to develop feelings for Fiona as they continue travelling to the castle; Shrek realizes that he does not want her to marry the King. These relationships show that Shrek overcame his aversion/dislike of other people, and it changes his attitude towards friendship. This film further illustrates how individuals can influence others to develop themselves, and to realize who they are and what they can become.

Link Example Link: These relationships show that Shrek overcame his aversion/dislike of other people and changed his attitude towards friendship. This film further illustrates the theme of how individuals can influence others to develop themselves, and to realize who they are and what they can become. Therefore, his change in attitude makes him a dynamic character, and he does not adhere to character archetypes.

The film Shrek pairs characters with contrasting personalities, which gives the message that people can get along no matter how different they may be. Shrek’s attitude towards friendship changes. This transformation can be seen from his care and concern for Donkey and Fiona towards the end of the story, as compared to how he preferred being alone in the beginning. For instance, Shrek insists on Donkey ‘leav[ing] [him] alone’ in the beginning, but he eventually develops a close friendship with him. In addition, he begins to develop feelings for Fiona as they continue travelling to the castle; Shrek realizes that he does not want her to marry the King. These relationships show that Shrek overcomes his aversion and dislike of other people, and changes his attitude towards friendship. This film further illustrates the theme of how individuals can influence others to develop themselves, and to realize who they are and what they can become. Therefore, his change in attitude makes him a dynamic character, and he does not adhere to the character archetype of orgres.

More on Evidence… SHOULD: SHOULD NOT: Be concise and carefully selected Be copied in chunks Be interwoven into the explanation Be left standing alone Very clearly supports your point Be vaguely related to the point

More on Evidence… Quotes should be given in SINGULAR quotation marks Language of quotes should be adapted to become reported speech E.g. in the play: I will do what I want In the evidence: He said that he would ‘do what [he] want[ed]’.

He ‘declared [his] love for Lucy’ More on Evidence… Use SQUARE BRACKETS when you change the speech E.g. I declared my love for Lucy He ‘declared [his] love for Lucy’ Applies to tenses too. E.g. want -> ‘want[ed]’