PubMan Benefits in Short Malte Dreyer
eSciDoc Architecture 21.11.2018
Solutions Online /1 21.11.2018
Solutions Online /2 Solutions /2 21.11.2018
Many Solutions – one Infrastructure Publication Management Scholarly Workbench Solution PubMan Solution Faces Solution ViRR Solutions support the users in their specific research questions. eSciDoc PubMan handles the Management, Dissemination and sustainable Access to various types of publications, incl. Supplementary data sets. It combines the needs of the various user groups such as scientists, librarians, local IT and other systems. . As it serves as instiitutional repository, is is the solution wiht the most heterogeneous requirements and user groups. eScidoc FACes enables the publication of images as research data sets, including the corresponding metadata of relevance. eSciDoc ViRR enables the publication of digizited text resources, incl. The description and enrichment of structural and bibliographic metadata We need to understand the specifics of the artifacts they are working with, to build appropiate solutions to deal with them. None of these solutions is designed as a monolithic application, but is part of one integrated publication infrastructre. This allows us to publish research data or their aggregations in the same manner as known publications. “Publications” “Images” “Digitized Text and Image” 21.11.2018
Early Adopters Cluster Golm MPI f. Psycholinguistik MPI f. Gravitationsphysik MPI f. Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung MPI f. Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie MPI f. Psycholinguistik MPI f. Chemische Ökologie NIMS 21.11.2018
Cluster Golm 21.11.2018
MPI für Psycholinguistik 21.11.2018
NIMS 21.11.2018
MPI für Chemische Ökologie CoNE Control of Named Entities 21.11.2018
eSciDoc Interested Parties, Prospects, and Partners Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Germany CNRS, France DANS, The Hague, Netherlands Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin, Germany DTU, Lyngby, Denmark FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Rome, Italy GBV, Göttingen, Germany GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany German National Library of Science and Technology, Hannover, Germany Hokkaido University, Japan Humboldt University Berlin, Germany King’s College, UK National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Nihon University, Japan RWTH Aachen, Germany University of Copenhagen, Denmark University of Freiburg, Germany University of Heidelberg, Germany University of Minnesota, USA University of Stuttgart, Germany University of Tübingen, Germany BSB as an example 21.11.2018
eSciDoc.PubMan –Publications Current status: 2.848 items released 5 Early Adopters 3 productive users PubMan will replace the current institutional repositoriy of the MPS, therefore we focused on close participation of the institutes right from the start. It is already know comparable with Top REpositories. It supports various features for the different user groups, such as scientists, librarians and local IT. Already now comparable with top 5 repositories (cf. Repository Matrix) 21.11.2018
eSciDoc.PubMan – Submission and Import some screenshots to highlight main features, such as varuous import and submission facilities in different formats 21.11.2018
eSciDoc.PubMan – Researcher Portfolio / CoNE the integration of a service for the control of named entities, to support e.g. unique person IDs 21.11.2018
eSciDoc.PubMan – Feeding the Institute's Webpages or the search and export service, to allow easy integration of publications in local websites...a highly demanded features for the institues 21.11.2018
eSciDoc.PubMan – Feeding the Institute's Webpages or the search and export service, to allow easy integration of publications in local websites...a highly demanded features for the institues 21.11.2018
eSciDoc.Faces – Images Publication of Research Data escidoc faces is the first example for publication of research data. in this screenshot, you see the collection of facial expressions of the MPI Human development. REsearch data can be shared with colleagures, subsets can be created for specific researhc questions and can be published and cited. the export service used for this solution is the same as used for escidoc pubman. 21.11.2018
eSciDoc.Faces Support for discipline-specific images and metadata Easy to re-use for other disciplines By developing a functionality for generic handling of metadata, the solution faces can now be easyily re-used in other disciplines, for other kind of images. the example you can see here is a colleciton of diamond cuttings and their appropiate attributes. 21.11.2018
eSciDoc.ViRR – Digitized Text Resources escidoc virr is a solution dealing with digitized text ressources. Besides a browsing and viewing environment, iit enables the description and enrichment of metadata for the artifacts in a standardized way 21.11.2018
Description of structural parts you can see here a screenshot from the online editor, which enables physical and logical pagination and the assignment of metadata to each structural part of the resource, such as chapter or preface. Physical structure Logical structure Description of structural parts 21.11.2018
Increased Maturity, More Solutions, More Features With such an approach, we achieved to bring our development to a more mature level, which in turn enables for increase in implementation of extensions or even completely new solutions; this trend can be also seen from the density of points in the diagram. Each point represents a release in one of the solutions. 21.11.2018
Vielen Dank ! 21.11.2018