Activity Ch 39
Purpose of Skeletal System Supports soft tissues of body Protects delicate structures of the body Furnishes surfaces for the attachment of muscles, tendons, ligaments Provides storage areas for miner salts and fat Produces blood cells
Bone Classification Long bones Short bones Flat bones Irregular bones
Joint Types Ball-and-socket Condyloid Gliding Hinge Pivot Saddle
Joint Movements Abduction Adduction Flexion Extension Rotation Supination Pronation Inversion Eversion These equal Range of Motion Learn how to assist your patients to perform these movements
Muscle Types Skeletal Cardiac Smooth or visceral
Muscle Purposes Motion Maintenance of posture Heat production
What Happens??? Afferent nervous system conveys information to CNS. Neurons conduct impulses from one part of body to another. Information is processed by CNS. The efferent system conveys response from CNS to skeletal muscles via somatic nervous system.
Body Mechanics Body alignment or posture Balance Coordinated body movement Postural reflexes
Mobility Influences Developmental considerations Physical health Mental health Lifestyle Attitude and values Fatigue and stress External factors
Types of Exercise Isotonic – contraction of muscle against resistance Isometric – contraction & relaxation of a muscle or group of muscles Isokinetic – usually involves machinery to control speed of activity
Assessing Mobility General ease of movement and gait Alignment Joint structure and function Muscle mass, tone, and strength Endurance
Positioning Patients Pillows Mattresses Adjustable beds Bed side rails Trapeze bar Additional equipment
Protective Positions Fowler’s position Supine or dorsal recumbent position Side-lying or lateral position Prone position
!?!?! Back Strain !?!? Uncoordinated lifts Height-weight differential among lifters Lifting when fatigued Lifting after recent recovery from back injury Lack of training in body mechanics Standing for long periods of time Transferring patients
Conditioning Quadriceps and gluteal setting drills Pushups Dangling
Assistive Devices Walker Cane Braces Crutches
Crutch Gaits Four-point Three-point Two-point Swing-to Swing-through