Layers of Georgia Activity
Instructions We will be looking at the different layers of Georgia, applying concepts we’ve talked about all through the semester For every section, make sure you do the following: Step 1: Label the map per the instructions on the board Step 2: Make sure you use the correct color/key/symbols when labeling Step 3: Answer the questions that go along with the map.
Step 1: Geography First let’s label the major physical regions of Georgia For High Elevation, we’ll use ▲▲ For Medium Elevation, we’ll use ---------- For Low Elevation & Plains, we’ll use IIIIIII Use Black for this Lastly, we’ll locate and draw Georgia’s rivers Use light blue
Pink=High Elevation Blue=Medium Elevation Green=Low Elevation/Plains
Step 1 Questions Why is it that the northern portions of Georgia are more mountainous? How might the geography of Georgia impact the economy? Hypothesize where the major sectors of Georgia’s economy would be. (Example: Would South Georgia be more primary or secondary?)
Step 2: Transportation Let’s go ahead and map out where the major areas of transportation are going to be Let’s do the following: Draw out the major highways of Georgia (they don’t have to be perfect but general shape) Use Purple Label where major airports are using an airplane symbol. Use Black Lastly, let’s locate where major ports will be for Georgia. Draw an Orange Star
Only one major port in Savannah, GA
Step 2 Questions Where do we notice most of the major transportation hubs are? What correlation can you make between highways/airports/ports and population? How do you think different modes of transportation can impact economic sectors?
Step 3: Major Universities/Military Bases First we will draw Dark Blue boxes to represent where Georgia’s major universities can be found For Military Bases, draw Orange boxes to represents where you can locate these bases around Georgia
Step 3 Questions Based on our previous layers, is there a pattern to where universities can be found? For Military Bases? How do you think a college center can impact a region’s economy? How do you think a military base can impact a region’s economy?
Step 4: Primary Sector For this step, we’ll be coloring in the regions of Georgia that deal with the Primary Sector. Shade in green the areas on the first map where most land is used for agriculture (The lighter green area on the map) There will also be mining areas we need to label as part of this sector. Notice where the circles are on the map: that’s where you’ll find mines in Georgia. Place a brown X where the mines are.
Step 4 Questions In what ways would physical geography impact the Primary Sector? What types of resources/crops are harvested in Georgia? Where are most of the primary sector jobs performed in Georgia? How would working in the Primary Sector effect the economy of Georgia?
Step 5: Secondary Sectors For this next bit, we’ll be looking at where we can find manufacturing jobs and power plants. Label on your map the areas where factories/manufacturing plants are located. (Purple Circles) Also label the general locations of different power plants throughout Georgia (Green Circles) Finally label where major car manufacturing plants can be found (Yellow Circles)
Step 5 Questions Where do we notice most manufacturing jobs are located in Georgia? Is there a pattern to where power plants are located in Georgia? If so, what is it? What factors do you think influence the placement of car factories? How would working in the Secondary Sector impact the economy of Georgia?
Step 6: Tertiary Sectors For this section, we are going to shade red where we can find high population centers. This will serve as our foundation for the Tertiary Sector of Georgia
Step 6: Questions Why do you think we focused on high population centers for the Tertiary Sector? What factors cause Tertiary Sectors to be located in these areas? How would working in the Tertiary Sector impact the economy of Georgia?
Conclusion Using the following map, let’s answer these final questions. What factors cause some areas of Georgia to earn higher incomes than others? Give examples! Why do you think people outside major urban areas don’t make as much money throughout the year? Using this map and your own, how is it the three major sectors, site, and situation impact Georgia’s economy?