Following the Foundation SCRIPT Nicky Robson/ Emily Downes/Laura Emery Foundation Programme Support/ Leadership
SCRIPT – why? In the UK, medication errors account for 10–20% of all adverse events in the National Health Service (NHS), and preventable harm from medicines is estimated to cost more than £750 million each year. A quarter of litigation claims in the NHS also stem from such errors. The EQUIP study found year 1 and year 2 trainee doctors prescribed with an error rate of 8% and 10% In 2014 there were 20 SUI/RCA/Exception reports that involved Foundation trainees that related to prescribing errors. (10 in each year)
SCRIPT – who? Health Education West Midlands (or then the Strategic Health Authority) commissioned the Universities of Birmingham, Warwick and Keele to develop an online eLearning programme to improve prescribing competency of trainee doctors. SCRIPT (Standardised Computerised Revalidation Instrument for Prescribing and Therapeutics)
SCRIPT – What? (1) 4 Mandatory Modules Drug allergy & anaphylaxis Poisoning Cardiac arrest Fluids @NHS_HealthEdEng #insertcampaignhashtag
SCRIPT – What? (2) 6 others from Principles of Prescribing (9) Prescribing in Medical Emergencies (5) Managing the Risks of Prescribing (6) Prescribing in Special Circumstances (8) Therapeutic Groups (10) Clinical Governance (3) Advanced Prescribing (3) @NHS_HealthEdEng #insertcampaignhashtag
SCRIPT - mechanics Pre test /module /post test – certificate @NHS_HealthEdEng #insertcampaignhashtag
SCRIPT – Top 5 4 mandatory modules (1282) Allergy & Anaphylaxis 1130 Cardiac Arrest 1078 Poisoning 1068 Fluids 1063 Diabetic Emergencies 680 @NHS_HealthEdEng #insertcampaignhashtag
SCRIPT – Highest Av Post test Scores Cardiac Arrest – 90 % (1078) Prescribing in Infection – 87% (120) Respiratory Medicine – 86% (130) Breastfeeding – 85% (47) Pregnancy – 85% (116)
SCRIPT – Most improved Pregnancy 28% Adverse Drug Reactions 26% Diabetic Emergencies 26% Poisoning 25% Toxic Tablets 25%
“Regional” FY1 – Cardiac Arrest East 165 completed - av pre 6.71 post 8.65 +1.94 South 146 completed - av pre 6.99 post 9.05 +2.06 West 294 completed – av pre 7.08 post 8.89 +1.81
Let’s give it a go !