Board Components Title – This is the largest and clearest text on your board. It should be legible from about twenty feet away. Pre–cut letters are a good choice. This should occupy the top quarter of the center panel on your board. Often a short, clever, “catchy” title is followed by a longer, more descriptive title. Other Headings – These should take up one full 8.5 x 11 sheet and be clearly printed so that they can be read from about 5 feet away. Introduction – This should discuss your interest and reasons for doing the project, including why you think it is significant and why it relates. Some history, terminology, and other background information should set the stage for both the topic and your work. Ball park: 250 words at 18 font. Variables and Hypothesis – list, taken from your proposal sheet. Large enough to fill full 8.5 x 11 sheet. Abstract – A few copies of this will be placed in a clear sleeve on the bottom left of the board. Materials and Procedure – Step by step. Large enough to fill a full sheet. Provide exact types, quantities, etc.. so that replication should be easily possible. Results and Conclusion – First a written description and summary of your data pointing out areas of interest, patterns and significant discoveries. Then a plausible explanation of your findings invoking science, logic and research. This should not communicate certainty, but language that is cautious, responsible, and reasonable. Ballpark: 250 words at 18 font Data – A data table with values organized should account for one sheet. If there is a lot of data involved, this table can be a summary or a sample of the overall data. One or two graphical representations should be produced to give a clear snapshot of the outcomes. These should be colored and might include line graphs, bar charts, pie charts, etc. These items will be in the center panel accompanied by photographic evidence. You should have anywhere between 4 – 16 clear images showing setups, materials, data collection, results, etc..
Your Name 8th Grade Your Category Patriot Oaks Academy All Images Taken By Your Name Your Parent Name Your Name 8th Grade Your Category Patriot Oaks Academy