Putting Your Themes Together Your Signature Themes are not just 5 separate entities that work totally independent of each other.
Working Together Like Hand in Glove Where would the rest of your fingers be without that opposable thumb?
Do Your Five Senses Need Each other? Would they function as well alone?
Your Assignment is to figure out how your 5 Signature Themes work together And Draw Them!
Do you need an example?
OK Presenting: Rons 5 Signature Themes
Before you start to draw, take some time to consider how you interact with the world through your five themes. Heres my example:
How do I teach? I THINK a lot about how Im going to FACILITATE you to LEARN. I LEARN from what didnt work BEFORE, and keep REFINING my lessons and my methods. I have the CONFIDENCE to take a few RISKS and encourage you to take risks, too. I frustrate some students by working in CONCENTRIC CIRCLES rather than linearly. … Self-Assurance Learner Strategic Connectedness Context
My STRATEGY is to keep SURROUNDING the course GOALS and OBJECTIVES, INVITING you to jump in wherever makes sense to you because everything is CONNECTED. Im confident that you can handle a great portion of your own LEARNING and if you dont… Self-Assurance Learner Strategic Connectedness Context
… its because somehow, in this great CONNECTED universe, there is a perfect LOGIC to the choices you make. However, your CHOICES may well change as you become aware of new ideas so Im COMMITTED to FACILITATING you to DISCOVER them. Self-Assurance Learner Strategic Connectedness Context
Remember, the goal is not to draw 5 separate images but one picture that shows how your 5 themes work together for you
Self-Assurance Learner Strategic Connectedness Context
If youre still not sure what to do, talk to some of your peers. Good luck!
Self-Assurance Learner Strategic Connectedness Context