LI: To write a good introduction to a critical essay
Introduction Success Criteria Title (remember inverted commas) ‘Hieroglyphics’ Author (Please spell correctly) Anne Donovan Genre - short story Link to the question (lose the choose) Summary (what happens/the plot in a few brief sentences) These are the success criteria for writing a good introduction!
Choose a novel or short story in which there is a character that you feel sorry for. Explain what the story is about and show what makes you feel sympathetic towards the character. T A G L S “Hieroglyphics” by Anne Donovan is a short story in which the main character of Mary is dyslexic. This leads to her having a difficult time at school. Mary narrates the story by reflecting on her experiences. This effective mode of narration, along with the writer’s use of language and key incidents, gives the reader a clear sense of what Mary’s experience is like, allowing the reader to feel sympathetic towards the character.
Choose a novel or short story in which there is a character that you feel sorry for. Explain what the story is about and show what makes you feel sympathetic towards the character. “Hieroglyphics” by Anne Donovan is a short story in which the main character of Mary is dyslexic. This leads to her having a difficult time at school. Mary narrates the story by reflecting on her experiences. This effective mode of narration, along with the writer’s use of language and key incidents, gives the reader a clear sense of what Mary’s experience is like, allowing the reader to feel sympathetic towards the character. T A G L S
Now it’s your turn! Write an introduction for the following question: Choose a novel or a short story or work of non-fiction which explores an important theme. By referring to appropriate techniques, show how the author has explored this theme. What are the key words in the question?
Now it’s your turn! Write an introduction for the following question: Choose a novel or a short story or work of non-fiction which explores an important theme. By referring to appropriate techniques, show how the author has explored this theme. What are the key words in the question?
“Hieroglyphics” by Anne Donovan is a thought-provoking short story in which the main character, Mary, is unfairly treated. Mary has dyslexia and the important theme of prejudice is shown through her unfair treatment by family, friends and teachers who fail to recognise that she needs support and help. OR A short story containing an important theme is ‘Hieroglyphics’ by Anne Donovan. The theme of prejudice is shown throughout as Mary is treated unfairly by those who should be helping her overcome her dyslexia. Donovan uses imagery, first person narration and various other techniques to create an interesting and thought-provoking story.
Choose a novel or short story in which there is a character that you feel sorry for. Explain what the story is about and show what makes you feel sympathetic towards the character. ‘hieroglyphics’ is about a girl with dyslexia. She writes about a girl with trouble writing. She uses imagery. She writes about a little girl called Mary and I will write about her in this essay. Can you rewrite this one making it better?
Sample Introductions Example 1 The short story ’Hieroglyphics’ by Anne Donovan is an appealing and inspirational short story which shows a girl’s struggle to cope with dyslexia. While the attitude and behaviour of others at times leaves the main character of Mary disheartened or disadvantaged, we are pleased that a moment of realisation occurs towards the end of the story which shows that Mary can overcome her learning difficulty and be happy with life. Nevertheless, Mary’s journey to this realisation is filled with incidents and events which make the reader feel sympathetic towards her. Thus, Donovan’s use of such key incidents along with characterisation, imagery and mode of narration in describing Mary’s life are effective in creating a greater understanding of her circumstances and evoking pity.
Sample Introductions Example 2 ‘Hieroglyphics’ by Anne Donovan is a short story which shows a girl’s struggle to cope with dyslexia. However, the main character of Mary is not only trying to cope with this learning difficulty, but also dealing with unsupportive family, inadequate educational support and lack of understanding from friends. All of these issues are conveyed through Donovan’s characterisation, key incidents, mode of narration and use of language. This makes for an effective short story in which we have a clear understanding of the main character, which encourages the reader to feel sympathetic towards her.
Sample Introductions Example 3 ‘Hieroglyphics’ by Anne Donovan is a short story in which the main character of Mary is dyslexic. This leads to her having a difficult experience of school life. The author, through effective use of mode of narration, language and key incidents, gives the reader a clear sense of what Mary’s experience is like, and thus allows the reader to feel sympathetic towards the character.
Now, you are going to write an introduction for your essay on ‘Hieroglyphics’ Question: Choose a novel or a short story with an ending which you find satisfactory. By referring to appropriate techniques, explain why you find the ending satisfactory in bringing to a conclusion the main concerns of the text as a whole. Remember: TAGLS Vocabulary (sophisticated and engaged)