Using Semi-Colons and Colons
An independent clause (or main clause) has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. An independent clause can stand by itself as a sentence. Subject Verb The dolphins play in the ocean. WB Subject Verb These animals are intelligent.
; Definition: Semicolons separate complete thoughts and The semicolon signals a pause in a sentence. Definition: Semicolons separate complete thoughts and items within a sentence.
Definition: Semicolons separate complete thoughts and items within a sentence. Only use a semicolon between independent clauses IF the independent clauses are not joined by and, but, for, nor, or, so, or yet (FANBOYS) are closely related in meaning Independent clause Independent clause The clouds are moving in; let’s head home.
A semicolon is used between independent clauses that are closely related without using ,FANBOYS Do not touch that tree frog; everyone stay together. Non-example These two clauses aren’t closely related. Do not touch that tree frog; it may be poisonous. Do not touch that tree frog. Everyone stay together. Example A period is used since the two clauses are not closely related. These two clauses are closely related. A semicolon can be used to join them.
When is a semicolon used? Which is an example of correct semicolon usage? 1. Jamie; was on time Carrie was late. 2. Some reptiles like a dry climate; others prefer a wet climate. 3. My parents’ anniversary is next week; and we are throwing a party for them.
Why are semicolons important? Like other punctuation marks, semicolons are important because they help make writing clear. The letter below is hard to read because it is missing semicolons and colons. Dear Garden Club Members: It’s that time of year again; our vegetable garden awaits. Please show up at the site this Saturday morning at 7:30. If you can, bring the following: hoe, shovel, weed-puller, and gloves. Dear Garden Club Members It’s that time of year again our vegetable garden awaits. Please show up at the site this Saturday morning at 730. If you can, bring the following hoe, shovel, weed-puller, and gloves. It is also tested on the Sage
; 1. Identify the two related independent clauses in each sentence. 2. Make sure sentences are not combined with ,FANBOYS 3. Add the semicolon between the independent clauses. 1. Jamie was on time Carrie was late. ; These clauses are closely related. They can be joined by a semicolon.
; Some reptiles like a dry climate others prefer a wet climate. 1. Identify the two related independent clauses in each sentence. 2. Make sure sentences are not combined with ,FANBOYS 3. Add the semicolon between the independent clauses. Some reptiles like a dry climate others prefer a wet climate. ;
; My parents’ anniversary is next week we are 1. Identify the two related independent clauses in each sentence. 2. Make sure sentences are not combined with ,FANBOYS 3. Add the semicolon between the independent clauses. My parents’ anniversary is next week we are throwing a party for them. ;
Semicolons between independent clauses Additional Practice Proofread for semicolons where they are needed in the following sentences. Bring a sweater it will be cold tonight. Your grades have improved you will easily pass the course. His mother is a doctor his father owns a computer store. 4. Suki finished her homework then she went to Dana’s house.
Use a semicolon between independent clauses joined by a conjunctive adverb or a transitional expression. Kim loaded the camera incorrectly; therefore, the film was ruined. therefore, I like cotton; in fact, most of my clothes are made of cotton. in fact, Notice that the conjunctive adverb and the transitional expression are followed by commas.
Common Conjunctive Adverbs Semicolons between independent clauses Conjunctive adverbs Common Conjunctive Adverbs accordingly furthermore instead nevertheless besides however meanwhile otherwise consequently indeed moreover therefore A conjunctive adverb shows how ideas relate to each other. It expresses a relationship between two independent clauses and is followed by a comma.
Common Transitional Expressions Semicolons between independent clauses Transitional expressions Common Transitional Expressions as a result for example for instance in fact in addition in conclusion in other words that is A transitional expression shows how ideas fit together. It makes a connection between the ideas in two independent clauses and is followed by a comma.
; 1. Identify the two related independent clauses in each sentence. 2. Make sure sentences are not combined with ,FANBOYS 3. Add the semicolon between the independent clauses. ; Janet brought the paint as a result, she started working before we did.
1. Identify the two related independent clauses in each sentence. 2. Make sure sentences are not combined with ,FANBOYS 3. Add the semicolon between the independent clauses. We planned to go to Miami however, our flight was canceled.
; 1. Identify the two related independent clauses in each sentence. 2. Make sure sentences are not combined with ,FANBOYS 3. Add the semicolon between the independent clauses. ; Kevin will play the bass drum in the concert in addition,he will play the symbols.
Semicolons between independent clauses More Practice In the following sentences, add semicolons or replace commas with semicolons where needed. If a sentence is already correct, label it C. 1. My dog can do many tricks for example, he can roll over and crawl on his belly. 2. The best defensive players are Carlos, Will, and Fred, however, Matt and Jamal are great on defense. 3. I have to study tonight; otherwise, I would go with you. 4. I’ve decided not to take French, instead, I plan to take Spanish.
Between a complete sentence and a list or explanation, or preceding a long, formal quotation. Please note that a complete sentence must precede a colon. EXAMPLE: I hate this one course: English. (Yes, one item can constitute a list.) EXAMPLE: Defending free speech, Voltaire made this statement: “I may disagree with what you say, but I shall defend your right to say it.” When to Use Colons
EXAMPLE: Ian was dissatisfied with the photos he had taken: all of them were out of focus. EXAMPLE: The reasons he cited for his success are as follows: integrity, industry, and a pleasant disposition. EXAMPLE: Three plays by William Shakespeare will be presented this summer: Hamlet, Macbeth, and Othello. More Examples
Do Not Use Commas… DO NOT place a colon after namely or for example. DO NOT place a colon after a verb (are, include, etc.) unless the sentence ends with a verb (There are two things that make us what we are:) DO NOT place a colon after a preposition (such as, with, etc.) Do Not Use Commas…
Your sentence seems to be well phrased, however, there are a few minor errors. I am positive that you cannot resist this one appeal money. I am positive that you cannot resist this one appeal: money. My best friends are: Liz, Terese, and Tasia. My best friends are Liz, Terese, and Tasia. Mark Twain reflects on writing “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” Mark Twain reflects on writing: “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” Practice
Nominations for the presidency included the names of Mrs. C. B Nominations for the presidency included the names of Mrs. C. B. Jones, member of the Garden Club, Mrs. Alton Pesky, local librarian, and Miss Sonia Black, official of the League of Women Voters. Nominations for the presidency included the names of Mrs. C. B. Jones, member of the Garden Club; Mrs. Alton Pesky, local librarian; and Miss Sonia Black, official of the League of Women Voters. There were three reasons for his success, integrity, industry, and a good personality. There were three reasons for his success: integrity, industry, and a good personality. More Practice
My favorite television shows come on the History Channel, such as: History’s Mysteries and Modern Marvels. My favorite television shows come on the History Channel, such as History’s Mysteries and Modern Marvels. I love several subjects at school, namely: English and statistics. I love several subjects at school, namely English and statistics. More Practice