What is Behavior?
What is ethology? The foundations of behavioral ecology were established by: von Frisch Lorenz Tinbergen
Behavioral ecologists distinguish between proximate and ultimate causes of behavior.
Classic Demonstration of Innate Behavior
Fixed Action Pattern (FAP): A sequence of unlearned behavioral acts that is essen- tially unchangeable and, once initiated usually carried to completion. This is triggered by an external sensory stimu- lus known as a sign stimulus.
Geese Imprinting
Imprinting – a type of behavior that includes both learning and innate components and is generally irreversible. has a sensitive period
Imprinting: Konrad Lorenz with imprinted geese
Many behaviors have a strong genetic component.
Kinesis Taxis
Kinesis – does not result in orientation with respect to a stimulus; movement is random (defined in Lab 11) Taxis – a more or less auto- matic oriented movement toward or away from a stimulus
Migration Routes of the Golden Plover
Orientation Versus Navigation in Juvenile and Adult Starlings
Signals and Communication Nocturnal animals use auditory and chemical signals Diurnal animals use visual and auditory signals What are pheromones?
Staking Out Territory With Chemical Markers
Genetic Influences on Mating Seen with prairie voles Male prairie voles help to care for the young which is unusual since few mammals are monogamous
Environment, along with genetic makeup, influences the development of behaviors Ex: The diet of the larvae of Drosophila influences mate choice later in life
Learning What is the difference between instinctive behavior and learned behavior?
Habituation Loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little information ex: you continually drive over the speed limit on the freeway and never get a ticket; therefore there is no reason to change your driving habits.
Tinbergen’s experiments on the digger wasp’s nest-locating behavior
Other ways in which behavior is influenced: Classical Conditioning Associative Learning Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning (Trial and Error Learning)
Two Kinds of Bird-Song Development: The Songs of Most Bird Species Are at Least Partly Learned
Cognitive Ethology – young chimps learning to crack oil palm nuts
“Fishing” by a Chimpanzee
Female warblers prefer males with large song repertoires
Behavioral traits can evolve by natural selection.
Feeding by Young Bluegill Sunfish Supporting Optimal Foraging Theory
Mating Behavior Promiscuous Monogamous Polygamous Polyandrous – single female with several males Polygynous – single male with several females
Sexual Selection – a form of natural selection in which differences in reproductive success among individuals are a consequence of differences in mating success; proposed by Charles Darwin
Elk Trumpeter Swans Phalaropes
Peahen Peacock Female Cardinal Male Cardinal
Golden Silk Spiders in Costa Rica
Male and Female Black Lemurs
Terrapins Large body size in males
Sexual Selection Females choose males based on certain traits – she is directing natural selection In Darwin’s theory of sexual selection it is the female who is directing natural selection
Territoriality: Mountain Goats and Stallions
Agonistic Behavior Contest that involves threatening and submissive behavior to gain access to a resource (food or mate) What is the evolutionary importance of agonistic behavior?
Agnostic Behavior
Ritual Wrestling by Rattlesnakes
Inclusive Fitness What is altruism?
Reduced fitness of self to increase fitness of others How does altruism relate to evolution?
Leads to kin selection and coefficient of relatedness
Kin Selection and Altruism in the Belding Ground Squirrel-Females stay closer to the burrows
Altruistic Behavior in the Belding Ground Squirrel
When rB > C, natural selection favors altruism B is benefit r is coefficient of relatedness C is cost
Vervet Monkeys Learn Correct Use of Alarm Calls