CPIM/CLTD Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process
CPIM/CLTD Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process The following slides outline snapshots of the voucher distribution or “assignment” process. CPIM Bundle purchases contain two exam “vouchers” (one for CPIM Part 1 and one for CPIM Part 2) for every bundle purchased, while the CLTD Bundle includes one exam “voucher.” An exam voucher is essentially an unassigned exam credit. You will have the ability to assign the bundle and corresponding exam credit to a particular candidate after purchase. This will allow you the flexibility of purchasing bundles before your class begins, specifically if you have not yet confirmed the student roster. Please note that individual candidates who purchase the CPIM or CLTD Bundle directly from APICS should not follow this tutorial. They will receive an exam credit directly to their account. When you purchase a bundle, the 6-month validity timeframe to use the exam credit(s) starts on the date of purchase. When you assign the bundle, the expiration date(s) for the exam credit(s) placed on the candidate’s account will be based on your original date of purchase, not on the date the bundle is assigned. The candidate will then need to use the exam credit(s) to purchase their Authorization to Test (ATT) by that expiration date. ATT’s will then be valid to use to schedule and sit for the exam for 6 months.
CPIM/CLTD Bundling Timeline Date of Purchase The date in which a bundle is purchased from Holmes Date Bundles are Added to your MCI Bundles will be added to your My Company Inventory 3 to 5 days after purchase. Date Bundle Exam Credits Expire Exam credits (contained within the bundle) expire 6 months from date of purchase. Exam credits must be assigned and used to purchase an ATT before this date. Date Authorizations to Test (ATT) expire ATTs expire 6 months from date the exam credit is redeemed, regardless of how much time was left on the exam credit ATTs must be used to schedule and sit for a test before this date.
Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process First, log in to your My APICS account and navigate to your My APICS page. To access your Digital Products: Scroll over to “My Quick Links” Click on “My Digital Products”
Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process To access your Company’s Inventory On the next page, click on “My Company Inventory”
Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process Assign Digital Products and Exam Credits Click “Assign” next to the bundle product you wish to distribute
Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process Choose your assignment method Choose your preferred method of assigning: Individual entry or Bulk upload
Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process Individual Upload Process 1. 2. 4. 5. 3. 1. Enter candidate’s APICS ID 2. Enter the candidate’s First and Last name 3. Once the candidate’s info has been entered, click “Lookup” * Candidate information will appear 4. Select the candidate to assign the product 5. Click “Assign Selected Individual”
Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process Bulk Upload Process 1. Optional: Download a Bulk Upload Template which includes fields for APICS ID, First name and Last name 2. Choose the file you want to upload 3. Click “Upload Bulk Assignee File”
Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process Bulk Upload Process Continued *A list of selected candidates from the uploaded file will appear. Click “Validate the Assignees” to: Verify that the candidate information is accurate and matches what is in the APICS database. * Please ensure that you have not already assigned this product to any of the candidates on the list.
Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process Bulk Upload Process Continued Click “Assign to Product” to add this product to the candidates’ accounts and complete the process.
Bundling: Voucher Distribution Process Bulk Upload Process Complete Assignment Results will display a “Successfully assigned” message next to each candidate who successfully received the bundle.
Exam Credit Confirmation Email Confirmation email will include: A confirmation email will be sent to each candidate who is successfully assigned an exam credit. Which exam the assigned exam credit can be used for. Johnny * Two confirmation emails will be sent for CPIM Bundle assignments (one each for CPIM Part 1 and CPIM Part 2) while only one confirmation email will be sent for CLTD Bundle assignments. Learner Candidate information Exam Credit expiration date Terms and Conditions
Candidate Instructions After a candidate receives the exam credit confirmation email, they are able to use their exam credit(s) to purchase their Authorization to Test (ATT) for the exam. The Exam Purchase and Scheduling Instructions document will guide them through this process. For questions related to exam policies or procedures, please refer candidates to the APICS Exam Handbook.
Thank You If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please contact support@apics.org or by calling +1773-867-1777.