Primary Network Meeting Thursday 14th June (Bradford South) Tuesday 19th June (Bradford North) AGENDA Welcome and introductions Singing Session (Bradford Festival) Performances and Child Licencing update Resource Sharing Up and Coming Events AOB
Singing Session Bradford Festival
Council Choir ➡ KEIGHLEY – Tuesday’s, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. The Cheers Bar, Leisure Centre, Victoria Park, Hard Ings Road, Keighley. BD21 3JN ➡ BRADFORD – Tuesday’s, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Fairfax Learning & Development Centre, Flockton Road, Bradford. BD4 7RY Keighley Bradford 19th June 3rd July Sign up at
Council Choir Your Opinion Counts! Do you: Prefer current rehearsal schedule? Would prefer once a term/half term? Prefer it to be more CPD based (delivering songs that can be used in school as regular/termly CPD sessions)? Any other suggestions?
Performances and Child Licensing Now essential as a part of Safeguarding Has to be completed for every performance Requirements (now simplified): All schools attending an event will be required to submit the application (see following slides) – MUST MEET DEADLINE! Confirmation that chaperones ratio (1:12) will have enhanced DBS Confirmation of method of transport to and from the event The same application process regardless of school type In future we will be asking schools to meet strict deadlines. Attendance will be denied if BOPA/Child License applications do not meet deadlines. Bring a copy of your register to the event (names only)* *The licencing team can carry out spot checks of events will request to see registers of those in attendance.
Resource Sharing
Event Updates Bradford Festival Friday 13th July – not too late to sign up! Music Centre Concert Saturday 14th July Titus Salt School 10:30am Monday 16th July Beckfoot School 7pm Primary Music Live Tuesday 6th November Am – Victoria Hall, Saltaire Pm – Victoria Hall, Keighley Schools Prom (info as soon as St George’s confirm) Tuesday 9th April Wednesday 10th April
CPD Opportunities Charanga CPD FREE for multiple schools coming together Dates released via website/BSO/email list/Social Media – allocated on a 1st come 1st served basis More dates will be released for autumn shortly Also available for individual schools, but will incur a charge of £100.00 (ex VAT)
CPD Opportunities Singing Staff Meetings Designed to provide confidence across all staff in delivering singing in class and whole school assemblies Cross-curricular topic links Led by vocal specialist £100 (ex VAT) until Summer 2018
CPD Opportunities Team Teaching Half term block Led by Music Curriculum Specialist Music lessons modelling and one-to-one peer coaching on developing individual teachers Planning provided Include 2 whole staff CPD sessions
CPD Opportunities Bespoke CPD Sessions Designed to suit specific musical needs and requests Led by an appropriate member of staff Examples: Exploring Rhythm & Pulse; Ukulele; Cross Curricular Approaches Price on request – dependant on the request All CPD sessions can be combined in unique packages depending on the needs of your school
Central CPD Opportunities Any primary specific requests? (e.g. Secondary’s have request BTEC training on new spec and is now happening on 5th July)
Future Events Primary Network Meetings: Bradford …….. Thursday 11th October Volunteers to host……. Bradford ……. Tuesday 16th October