2007/2008 OECD Programme of Work and Budget: Themes and Methods Governance for Development Initiative in Arab Countries: Briefing on OECD E-Government Activities 12 December 2006
OECD E-Government Project PWB 2005-2006 GOV COMMITTEE Data sharing and re-use for government transformation Core work Checklist and indicators Business case methodologies Cost-benefit analysis of e-government Complementary STEERING GROUP Work Country Peer Reviews: Finland (2003), Norway (2005), Mexico (2005), Denmark (2005), Turkey (2006), The Netherlands (2006) Outreach activities on e-government: e.g. MENA initiative, Brasilia workshop on Anti-corruption and E-Government, Global Forum on E-Government
E-Government Core Work E-Services Takeup Measuring Takeup by Households & Businesses Recommendations for Improving Takeup Deliverables: meeting & web report (end-2007) Partnerships Across Levels of Government for E-Government Implementation Interoperability / Shared Services Financing Deliverables: meeting & web report (end-2008) Process and Outcome Indicators Deliverables: input into Government at a Glance (annual)
E-Government Complementary Work Benchmarking E-Government Expenditures Defining what is an e-government expenditure Agree with SBO on data collection framework Deliverables: discussion paper, meeting, database (end-2008) Cost/Benefit Analysis for Shared Services Identity Management or E-Procurement Deliverables: case studies, meeting, summary analysis with business case results (end-2007) ROI in ICT-enabled applications Deliverables: data collection framework, case studies, meeting, report (end-2008)