AIM: How did Woodrow Wilson propose peace following World War I? Discuss how the Fourteen Points, especially the League of Nations, demonstrated Wilsonian principles. Summarize the aims of the other Allied powers at the Paris Peace Conference. Identify which of the Fourteen Points became part of the final peace settlement.
When World War I ended, U. S When World War I ended, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson believed that America should take a lead in shaping the peace process. Woodrow Wilson’s peace plan = the Fourteen Points Were the 14 Points SMART? Working with a partner, examine Wilson’s 14 Points: Connect each of the 14 Points to the goal you think that point is trying to fulfill. Show the connections by writing excerpts of a point or points around a goal. (You may connect some of the 14 Points to more than one goal.) Be prepared to share your answers! Wilson’s foreign policy goals: Spreading democracy Open markets to all International organization dedicated to keeping peace Active global role for the United States Fourteen Points VIDEO
Wilson’s Fourteen Points Points 1-5 focused on creating new international rules that would eliminate future wars No more secret treaties or alliances Reduction of militaries Freedom of the seas and free trade International control over colonies to end imperialism
Wilson’s Fourteen Points Points 6-13 focused on dividing weak empires like Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire into new nations based on self-determination Wilson believed that new nations should have borders drawn with consideration to ethnic and national identities He wanted new nations to be free to choose their own governments
Wilson’s Fourteen Points Point 14 focused on creating a League of Nations to maintain world peace by diplomacy rather than by war
How supportive of the 14 Points were other Allied nations? If you were from France, England, or another allied nation, would you have supported the 14 Points? Why or why not? How supportive of the 14 Points were other Allied nations? “The Allied Governments have given careful consideration…they declare their willingness to make peace with the Government of Germany on the terms of peace laid down in the [Fourteen Points] . . . They must point out, however, that [Point II], relating to what is usually described as the freedom of the seas, is open to various interpretations, some of which they could not accept. They must, therefore, reserve to themselves complete freedom on this subject when they enter the peace conference. Further, . . . the President declared that invaded territories must be restored as well as evacuated and freed . . . By [this the Allies] understand that compensation will be made by Germany for all damage done to the civilian population of the Allies and their property by the aggression of Germany by land, by sea and from the air.” - French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau’s opening remarks at the Paris Peace Proceedings, January 18, 1919
Next, President Wilson traveled to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 to help create the Treaty of Versailles Wilson hoped his Fourteen Points would become the framework for the peace treaty… “The Big Three” British Prime Minister David Lloyd George Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando French Premier George Clemenceau U.S. President Woodrow Wilson
But, Wilson quickly learned that European leaders wanted to PUNISH GERMANY, and did not share his vision for a “peace without victory” (Allied powers cautiously agreed to use the Fourteen Points as a treaty template, but that’s all!) “The Big Three” British Prime Minister David Lloyd George Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando French Premier George Clemenceau U.S. President Woodrow Wilson
While you watch: What did each side WANT out of the treaty? During the peace process, Wilson had to compromise some of his Fourteen Points On June 28, 1919 the delegates agreed to the Treaty of Versailles While you watch: What did each side WANT out of the treaty?
Work together to stop future acts of aggression Delegates at the Paris Peace Conference completed the treaty and agreed to create a League of Nations Made up of a General Assembly of 27 nations Use diplomacy to settle conflicts Work together to stop future acts of aggression An agreement that member nations would work together to stop future acts of aggression
Europe and Middle East Before and After World War I The Treaty of Versailles CHANGED THE ENTIRE MAP…what changes do you see?? Europe and Middle East Before and After World War I
The Treaty of Versailles severely punished Germany for its role in World War I Germany was forced to surrender all of its overseas colonies Germany’s military was reduced and forbidden from building weapons Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war and pay $33 billion in war reparations An agreement that member nations would work together to stop future acts of aggression
BUT, the Treaty of Versailles did NOT address important issues that caused World War I The treaty did not require any of the Allied nations to demilitarize or give up imperial colonies The treaty did not address secret alliances or guarantee free trade The treaty was so severe that it kept Germany from rebuilding An agreement that member nations would work together to stop future acts of aggression
Hitler’s Response to the Treaty
Examine this cartoon showing President Woodrow Wilson’s conception of the League of Nations. Does the cartoonist believe that the League would be able to live up to Wilson’s ideas for it?
Even though the major Allied and Central Powers signed the Treaty of Versailles …
BUT… U.S. President Wilson could not sign the Treaty of Versailles WHY NOT? Constitution - that is the SENATE’S JOB! A 2/3 vote in the Senate was needed to ratify the treaty and join the League of Nations!
What was the League’s plan that ANGERED US Senate members? Many Senators did not like the Treaty of Versailles because signing it meant joining the League of Nations…but WHY? What was the League’s plan that ANGERED US Senate members? Article 10 of the League Covenant: The Members of the League undertake to respect and preserve as against aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression the Council shall advise upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled…
With a partner, read the opposite viewpoints on the League of Nations… What is Wilson’s argument? What is Lodge’s argument? Wilson’s argument Lodge’s argument
In 1920, Republican Warren Harding ran for president promising a “return to normalcy” and rejection of the League of Nations With Harding’s victory in 1920, the Senate voted against the Treaty of Versailles and membership in the League of Nations 22
Members of the League of Nations (in black) The U.S. never joined the League and signed its own peace treaty with Germany in 1921
The United States began the 20th century as an imperial power and reluctantly entered WWI to protect free trade Involvement in the war led to changes for women and African Americans and an economic boom The United States played a major role in the peace process, but refusal to join the League weakened the ability of world leaders to stop World War II