Topics in Web Science SS 2017 Prof. Wolfgang Nejdl, Andrea Ceroni
Aim of the Course Insights into contemporary Web research Introduction to Web Science: A new interdisciplinary research area Wolfgang Nejdl 21/11/18
Course Organization An introductory lecture per topic is given along with 3-5 state-of-the-art research articles presenting recent advances in the topic (April, May) Each student presents two articles, on a topic of her/his choice, in the second part of the course (June, July). Each student reads all articles (~4 papers per topic) suggested by the lecturers (links to the papers are available at the course web page). In the oral exam detailed questions about the two selected papers and general questions about other papers have to be answered by the student Advice: Attending the presentations from the lecturers and the students will be a great help to understand the papers. Wolfgang Nejdl 21/11/18
Topics Event Detection Fairness and Transparency for Big Data Analysis Mining the Social Web Crowdsourcing Multilingual Information Access Accessing Web Archives Semantic Text Mining TBD Wolfgang Nejdl 21/11/18
Student Paper Presentations Each student picks two papers for presentation First-come first-served 2-3 students are presenting their topics per lecture (30min. presentation + 15min. questions) Coaches help students understand papers and give feedback on the presentations Wolfgang Nejdl 21/11/18
Oral Exam in August / September Possible dates will be announced Detailed questions on the paper you presented More general questions on other presented papers Wolfgang Nejdl 21/11/18
Next Web Science Lecture May 2, 2017, 15:00-16:30, Multimedia-Hörsaal (3703 - 023) On June 27, the lecture will be in the Multimedia Room, Appelstr. 9, 15th floor Wolfgang Nejdl 21/11/18
Course Web Page and Contacts Contact email: Contact persons: Andrea ceroni, Appelstr. 4, ground floor Wolfgang Nejdl 21/11/18