BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline Advanced Light Source
7.2 Diagnostic Beamline Goals Positioned on a x.2 which helps us measure momentum spread (when used in conjunction with the diagnostic on 3.1) Gives us diagnostic information that more closely resembles activity on our x.3’s. Monitor beam during the fill. 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline
Description of the Elements Cut Stops 4 & 5. VVR1 w/ 4” I.D. PS + Pinhole & Blades assy (like Bessy II) Filtered pinhole image falls on Phosphor. CCD looks at the Phosphor image. FOR MORE INFO... Dennis Baum (x5644), Fernando Sannibale (x5924), Nicholas Kelez (x5612). 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline
BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline Floor Plan Overview 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline
BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline Beamline Overview 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline
BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline VVR1: 4” I.D. 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline
BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline Drift Tube 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline
BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline PS: on a standard stand 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline
PS: Aperture & BESSYII Assy 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline
BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline PS: BESSYII Assy 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline
Filter Cross & Imaging Stand 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline
Summary of the Elements Cut Stops 4 & 5. VVR1 w/ 4” I.D. PS + Pinhole & Blades assy (like Bessy II) Filtered pinhole image falls on Phosphor. CCD looks at the Phosphor image. FOR MORE INFO... Dennis Baum (x5644), Fernando Sannibale (x5924), Nicholas Kelez (x5612). 11/21/2018 BL 7.2 Diagnostic Beamline