Human Rights means the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the constitution or embodied in the International.


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Presentation transcript:

Human Rights means the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the constitution or embodied in the International Covenants and enforceable by courts in India. ekuokf/kdkj dk vFkZ] O;fDr dks Hkkjrh; lafo/kku }kjk iznŸk thou] Lora=rk] lekurk vkSj xfjek ls lEcfU/kr vf/kdkjksa ls gS ;k vUrjkZ’Vªh; le>kSrksa esa fufgr gSa vkSj Hkkjr esa U;k;ky;ksa }kjk ykxw fd;s tk ldsaÞ

INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS INSTRUMENTS Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. UDHR  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 ICCPR International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966 ICESCR Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women, 1979 CEDAW 

Universal Declaration of Human Rights – 1948 ekuo vf/kdkjksa dh lkoZHkkSfed ?kks’k.kk &1948  Right to life and liberty. thus o Lora=rk dk vf/kdkj Right to work. dke djus dk vf/kdkj Right to freedom of movement. vkus tkus esa Lora=rk dk vf/kdkj Right against torture/inhuman treatment. ;kruk o vekuoh; O;ogkj ds fo:) vf/kdkj Equal protection of law. fof/k dk leku laj{k.k  

No illegal arrest and detention voS/k fxj¶rkjh o fgjklr dh eukgh International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights – 1966 ukxfjd o jktuSfrd vf/kdkj vUrjkZ’Vªh; le>kSrk &1966 Right to life thus dk vf/kdkj Right to Privacy xksiuh;rk dk vf/kdkj No illegal arrest and detention voS/k fxj¶rkjh o fgjklr dh eukgh Equal protection of law fof/k dk leku laj{k.k Freedom of movement fopj.k dh Lora=rk

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966 No distinction based on sex, nation or social origin. Equal rights for men and women in the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights Right to do work that one freely choose under conditions protecting fundamental freedoms of the individual. Right to just and favourable conditions of work Marriage with the consent of both parties Right to adequate standard of living including food, clothing, housing. Right to physical and mental health.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 No distinction based on sex (Art. 2) Equal rights for men and women in the enjoyment of civil and political rights (Art. 3) Prohibits cruel, inhuman or degrading practices (Art.7) Prohibits slavery and servitude. (Art. 8) Right to liberty and security of person; no one shall be subject to arbitrary arrest or detention. (Art. 9) Freedom of movement (Art. 12) Equality before the courts and tribunals. (Art.14) Equal before the law, equal protection of the law.

Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women, 1979 States must eliminate discrimination by any person, organization or enterprise. State Parties shall take all appropriate measures including legislation, to suppress all forms of trafficking, exploitation, prostitution of women. Marriage shall not automatically change nationality. Right to free choice of employment. Protection for women in rural areas. Equal Protection of law Right to freely choose a spouse and minimum age of marriage.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Passed on November 20-1989 61 Countries signed the Convention on 26 January 1990 Till date 123 countries have signed the convention Total Articles 54 Committee on rights of child formed Member States to submit progress to it

The UN Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others: This asks countries to prevent buying and selling or dealing in children for commercial sexual exploitation; The Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: This deals with the sale of children, child porn and child prostitution. States are required to take measures to protect the rights and interests of child victims

Highlight of the Convention States shall ensure, to the maximum, child survival and development right to a name and nationality from birth. When courts, welfare institutions or administrative authorities deal with children, the child's best interests shall be a primary consideration. The child's opinions shall be given careful consideration. Ensure that each child enjoys full rights without discrimination or distinctions of any kind.

Children should not be separated form their parents, unless by competent authorities for their well being. Facilitate reunification families by permitting travel into, or out of, their territories. Parents have the primary responsibility for a child's upbringing, but States provide them with appropriate assistance and develop child­ institutions . Protect children from physical or mental harm and neglect including sexual abuse or exploitation

States shall provide parentless children with suitable alternative care. Disabled children shall have the right to special treatment, education and care. Health care is provided to all children, Primary education shall be free and compulsory; discipline in schools should respect the child's dignity. Education should prepare the child for life in a spirit of understanding, peace and tolerance. Children shall have time to rest and play and equal opportunities for cultural and artistic activities.

Protect the child from economic exploitation and work that may interfere with education or be harmful to health and well being. Protect children from the illegal use of drugs and involvement in drug production or trafficking. All efforts shall be made to eliminate the abduction and trafficking of children. Capital punishment or life imprisonment shall not be imposed for crimes committed before the age of 18.

Children in detention should be separated from adults; they must not be tortured or suffer cruel and degrading treatment. Children of minority and indigenous populations shall freely enjoy their own culture, religion and language. Children involved In infringements of the penal law shall be treated in a way that promotes their sense of dignity and worth and that aims at reintegrating them into society.