[Region name] Region Conference 2016


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Presentation transcript:

[Region name] Region Conference 2016 Hello! My name is [name] and I am the [region name] Dream It, Be It Region Chair. I’m happy to be with you today to share some exciting updates to our new girl program.

How can my club participate? I’m excited that some clubs within our region dove in and began planning projects already! Many of you may still be wondering how your club can participate in Dream It, Be It. I’m here to tell you! SIAHQ has created a 15 step summary of how to participate, so I’m going to walk you through each step. For future reference, the 15 step summary document can be found on the Dream It, Be It ‘Planning’ web page within the Members Only area of the SIA website. How can my club participate?

Step 1: Form a planning committee Which members have the PASSION TIME DRIVE …to implement a project? First, identify members who have the passion and time to drive the planning, implementation and evaluation of a Dream It, Be It project. Delegate who will be responsible for which tasks.

Step 2: Review SIA’s research and available resources You’re not on your own! SIA provides: Club Planning Toolkit Video tutorial + Project Guide Detailed curriculum sessions Recruitment flyer and more! Next, read about SIA’s extensive research that informed Dream It, Be It and learn about resources such as the Club Planning Toolkit, Club Project Guide, curriculum overview, detailed curriculum sessions plus accompanying video tutorial, tips for a successful project, tips for facilitating groups, a recruitment flyer for girls, and more! There are many resources because SIAHQ wanted members to feel supported when planning and implementing these exciting projects. All of these resources can be found on the ‘Planning’ and ‘Curriculum’ Dream It, Be It web pages within the Members Only area of the SIA website.

Step 3: Complete SIA’s new Standards for Working with Youth Participating members must: Review Standards for Working with Youth Complete background checks (USA & Canada) Read training information Report compliance to SIAHQ Step 3: Complete SIA’s new Standards for Working with Youth. All club members working on site as part of a Dream It, Be It project must review SIA’s new Standards for Working with Youth, complete background checks if operating within the US or Canada, read the training information; and report compliance with these requirements to SIAHQ. You can access all of these materials by going to the Soroptimist Programs page (pictured here) and clicking on the bottom button for “Procedures for Working with Youth.”

Step 4: Organize a girls advisory group The most successful projects actively involve girls! SIA’s Club Planning Toolkit offers useful information about forming an advisory group Step 4: Organize a girls advisory group. When girls are actively involved in the planning of projects for them, the project is more likely to be a success. Girls can offer expertise about creating a project for their specific audience, and they will be invested in its success too . Consult the Club Planning Toolkit for more information about forming a girls advisory group.

Step 5: Conduct a community assessment Ask… What organizations or agencies are already working with girls? Are local agencies, schools or organizations providing career support for girls? What type of girls do these programs target? Are any girls excluded? What other groups, businesses or types of individuals would be interested in supporting Dream It, Be It? Do schools have college and/or career counselors? What kind of support do they provide? Step 5: Conduct a community assessment. Determine what support services already exist for girls in your community, what the needs are of girls in your community, and if/how Dream It, Be It can address those needs . Specific questions to guide your community assessment are found in the Club Planning Toolkit.

Step 6: Create a budget and raise funds Expenses and revenue Existing financial commitments Fundraising and sponsorship opportunities Step 6: Create a budget and raise funds for your Dream It, Be It project. Identify both expenses and revenue with as much detail as possible. Examine existing financial commitments of your club and identify any changes that can be made. Fundraise to make up the difference with community fundraisers, sponsorships from local businesses, grants, and/or donations.

Consider community needs + club preferences Step 7: Select a model Choose the right fit! One day conference Small group mentoring Consider community needs + club preferences Step 7: Select a model for your club’s Dream It, Be It project – either a one day conference or small group mentoring sessions. Both models provide information to help girls reach their career goals and involve similar work and preparation. Clubs should choose the model that fits with the outcomes of the community assessment, members’ preferences, and what the club is already doing .

Step 8: Identify community partner(s) Create/strengthen relationships with local schools youth organizations places of worship social service agencies that may have similar needs Step 8: Identify community partners. Consider schools, youth organizations, places of worship, and social service agencies that work with girls. Develop relationships with these potential community partners and determine which organization has a need that can be fulfilled with Dream It, Be It. Be clear with your expectations and communication .

Step 9: Confirm dates/location and recruit participants Confirm details with club members + community partners Step 9: Confirm all details such as date(s) and location with club members and community partner(s). Work with your community partners to identify girls who would benefit from Dream It, Be It and invite them to participate. A recruitment flyer is available for clubs to use, in addition to a sample letter to parents explaining Dream It, Be It, and a consent form for parents to sign. Work together to identify participants!

Step 10: Identify speakers Review your community assessment... What local leaders or organizations could be influential to girls as a speaker? Can they be involved in other ways, too? Step 10: Refer to your club’s community assessment and consider which organizations may have staff who could be influential to girls as a speaker or leaders in the local community who may be interested in getting involved.

Step 11: Carefully review the Dream It, Be It curriculum Adapt the curriculum to fit the needs of your audience Consult with girls advisory group to ensure curriculum is relevant Step 11: Working with the club planning committee and the girls advisory group, carefully review and adapt the curriculum to fit the needs of your specific audience. Check out the curriculum tutorial video, then read the curriculum overview and each of the curriculum sessions. Make necessary changes to curriculum sessions to make it more relevant to the girls with whom you’ll be working. The Club Project Guide also provides information on how to use the curriculum.

Step 12: Facilitate curriculum sessions with girls Lack experience working with girls? That’s okay! Check out Tips for Facilitating Groups Step 12: Facilitate the curriculum sessions with girls! Your club may rely on club members, community members experienced in working with girls (such as guidance counselors, social workers, or staff of social service organizations), or paid facilitators. But, anyone can be a facilitator! Each curriculum session is written with step-by-step instructions, and you can refer to the Tips for Facilitating Groups for additional guidance. The Tips for Facilitating Groups can be found with other resources on the ‘Curriculum’ page of the Dream It, Be It section of the website.

Step 13: Girls complete the Evaluation Form Evaluation is key to measuring impact and program goals! Girls should complete the Evaluation Form after the final session or end of the day Step 13: Have girls complete the Dream It, Be It Evaluation Form. The evaluation form measures the program goal and objectives and helps SIA and clubs understand the collective impact we have on improving the lives of girls . Print enough copies of the Evaluation Form from the last two pages of the Club Evaluation Guide have girls complete it after the final mentoring session or at the end of the conference day. The Club Evaluation Guide can be found within the ‘Reporting and Evaluation’ page of the Dream It, Be It section of the website.

Step 14: Submit a Club Transmittal Form Complete + submit the club transmittal form to your Dream It, Be It Region Chair Step 14: A club transmittal form needs to be completed and submitted to me, your Dream It, Be It region chair. It can be found on the ‘Reporting and Evaluation’ page of the Dream It, Be It section of the website, and it is due by February 15.

Step 15: Submit evaluation results to SIAHQ Designate a club member to enter results of the evaluation forms online Deadline JUNE 1 And our final step – step 15! After girls complete the evaluation forms at the end of your sessions or conference, a designated club member will need to enter the cumulative results of those evaluation forms in an online form. This is how SIA will collect all the impact information for Dream It, Be It. The deadline is June 1. Instructions for how to use the online form can be found within the Evaluation Guide, and the online form can be accessed by following the link on the ‘Reporting and Evaluation’ page pictured here.

Questions? Ask your Dream It, Be It Region Chair! [Name] [E-mail] [Phone number] What questions do you have for me? I’m available to support you as you plan and implement your Dream It, Be It project, so please be in touch with me! Thank you!