Have a go… 2+5= 10-3= 15+6= 20-14= 26+34= 48+36= 98-45= 152+43= 152-68= 2x6= 14÷2= 22x6= 154x4= 159÷3= 182x26= 525÷15=
Maths (or Numeracy) Aims – To understand the starting points of numeracy To understand when children are encouraged to use mental strategies and when written calculations are more appropriate To understand the written calculations used in school
7 2+5=…. Starting points 1+6 6+1 2+5 5+2 4+3 3+4 7+0 0+7 If 2+5=7 Then 5+2=7 7-5=2 7-2=5 At the start, and every time a child meet a new bit of learning, maths needs to be physical and visual. 7
Mental calculations… 10-3= 15+6= ((5+5)+1)+10 This is a recall fact. 15+6= ((5+5)+1)+10 This can be partitioned; 5+6 is 1 more than 5+5 so it’s 11 then add 10 more. 20-14= (10-10)+(10-4) or 14 how many more to make 20 This again is a recall fact but can be tackled in a couple of ways. 26+34= (20+30)+(6+4) This can be done through partitioning.
48+36= Have a go at 54+39=
98-45= Have a go at 97-56=
156+78= 152-68= Have a go at 171-83=
Just like addition and subtraction – we need to learn all the family – 2x6= …. Starting points Just like addition and subtraction – we need to learn all the family – 2x6=12 so 6x2=12 12÷6=2 12÷2=6 Groups Repeated addition 2+2+2+2+2+2
This is based on a recall fact and can be partitioned. Mental calculations… 14÷2= This is a recall facts. 22x6= (20x6)+(2x6) This is based on a recall fact and can be partitioned.
154x4= 182x26= Have a go at 251x35=
159÷3= 525÷15= Have a go at 364÷14=