European Commission ECCP II WG 1: ECCP Review Christian Egenhofer Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Brussels European Commission Brussels, 24 October 2005
Draft Mandate … review the implementation of climate-related EU-wide policies and measures… to assess their implementation in Member States - to assess … actual and projected emissions reduction - to discuss the further development of EU climate change policies to achieve … obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, and beyond Report by March 2006
Sectors - Energy supply - Energy demand - Transport measures - Other gases - Agriculture & forestry
Straightforward Tasks 1. GHG emissions trends by sector 2. Evaluate implementation of the conclusions and recommendations of ECCP I & achievements of commitments ECCP I … 5. Develop conclusions and recommendations …
More Tasks … evaluate the concrete implementation in the Member States of European wide policies and measures and the actual and projected emission reductions resulting from it, as compared to the ex-ante analysis in the ECCP, its contribution in meeting Kyoto commitments, and identifying best practice, evaluating cost-effectiveness, impacts on the sectors concerned and specific gaps.
More Tasks … evaluate the progress in terms of the development of EU climate policy and consider issues in relation to the overall consistency, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of future EU wide climate policy in synergy with the Lisbon agenda.
Comments 1. Best-practice Compare Member States experiences … but how to ensure that Member States learn from each other? EU is full of examples where best-practice remains lip service! What about best-practices group?
2. Clarify overall consistency between - different EU climate change and environmental policies ? - EU climate/environmental and other (economic, foreign, development, trade etc.) policies ? - EU and member state policies ? - long & short-term policies ? - domestic and international ?
Different set of policies for short and long-term policies 3. First commitment period versus long-term Different set of policies for short and long-term policies
Cost-benefit analysis ? 4. Effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and Lisbon agenda Cost-benefit analysis ?
5. Final comments How to involve economic consumer interests? - How to involve SMEs? - Co-ordination and mutual strengthening of ECCP with other processes? - Set up Study Panel to examine studies (methodologies), e.g. REACH
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