Book Talking Tips and Techniques for the Seventh Grade For your Book Talk, you will give one 3-minute presentation on a book you’ve read.
Hi! What is a book talk? It is like a commercial. It is an attention grabbing presentation created to catch the audience’s attention and make them want to read the book being presented!
When you do a book talk you are: A performer And A salesperson
How will you generate interest? A hook is something that catches people’s attention. Most songs have a catchy beat, chorus, or sing along part. Think about commercials… How will you hook your audience?
Attention Getter Make it count! Grab the audiences attention by: Using a quotation or description of a character Focus on a strong feeling Act out an attention-grabbing behavior Focus on a shocking event Relate to something the audience shares
Introduction Clearly introduce your book by giving the title, author and genre of the book.
Body Describe the setting, characters, and plot of the book without giving too much away of the story. What is the main conflict? What themes are developed? What lessons do characters learn? Share a favorite passage.
Conclusion Without giving away the ending, convince the reader that you loved this book. Make some predictions about what kind of student would enjoy this book (“if you like…, you’ll love…”).
Choices Scholastic: SHMS Library Reader’s Advisory Click here to continue
The End I hoped you enjoyed this presentation. See Ms. Millikan in the library to check out any of these books. Our library computers also list more in the genre you need. Read and be happy!
Hello again What is a book talk? A book talk is very similar to a trailer for a film, which shows you just enough information to convince you that you should watch the movie.
Part II Four Styles of Book Talks: 1. Plot Summary: Create a cliffhanger ending by summarizing the plot to a particular point and then stopping. This is the easiest and most common approach.
Four Styles of Book Talks Cont.: 2. Character Based: Describe a character or pretend to be a character in the book.
Four Styles of Book Talks Cont.: 3. Mood Based: Create a mood by voice, words you choose, and emphasis. You may want to include the actual words the author has written by reading a passage from the book.
Four Styles of Book Talks (The End): 4. Scene Based: Focus on one particularly gripping scene in the book. Tell only what happens in that one scene. You can also combine elements of different styles in one book talk.
You can also create interest by: Adding props or wearing a costume! Having an introductory, concluding, or background piece of music that sets a mood.
What are other possible hooks? Tell the story from the viewpoint of different characters. Make it funny….. Build it around several cliffhangers that leave your audience wanting to know what happens next! Find a phrase that fits to repeat throughout the booktalk.
Even more possible hooks? Change your voice and pattern of speech! Is there an accent used by a character that you could use? Can you pretend to be the character? Pretend the events of the story really happened to you! Present the book talk as an interview or as a news story.