My Ecofriendly House Build an environmental house prototype using 3 of the 4 following renewable energy sources: sun, wind, water, or geothermal. This innovative house should use and conserve energy efficiently as well as minimize damage to the environment and to residents. Proposed learning situation
My Ecofriendly House Target: Grade 8 students. Target: Grade 8 students. Duration: At least 6 periods of 75 minutes. Duration: At least 6 periods of 75 minutes. Broad Area of Learning: Environmental awareness and consumer rights and responsibilities. Broad Area of Learning: Environmental awareness and consumer rights and responsibilities. Pedagogical intention: At the end of this learning situation the student understands how technological systems can transform natural energy sources into useful energies. Pedagogical intention: At the end of this learning situation the student understands how technological systems can transform natural energy sources into useful energies.
My Ecofriendly House Evaluated competencies: CD1,2,3 and CC8. Evaluated competencies: CD1,2,3 and CC8. Content: Ingineering, technological systems, forces and motion, geological and geophysical phenomena. Content: Ingineering, technological systems, forces and motion, geological and geophysical phenomena. Task: In teams of 4, develop an innovative house concept integrating three energy modules using solar, wind, water, or geothermal energy. Task: In teams of 4, develop an innovative house concept integrating three energy modules using solar, wind, water, or geothermal energy.
My Ecofriendly House Competency 1 Seeks solutions to technological problems Demonstrate a clear understanding of the problem. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the problem. Plan carefully all aspects of the work to be done and respect specifications. Plan carefully all aspects of the work to be done and respect specifications. Follow procedure step by step, make adjustments, justify them and work safely. Follow procedure step by step, make adjustments, justify them and work safely. Test his/her solution, find its strengths and weaknesses and suggest improvements. Test his/her solution, find its strengths and weaknesses and suggest improvements. Expectations and evaluation
My Ecofriendly House House model with a wind turbine. Inside view of the second floor.
My Ecofriendly House Set-up to produce electricity with a cardboard wind turbine. Closer view of gear system. Set-up to produce electricity with a small motor.