Personal Narrative Due Friday, January 13 3pm
Topics: Brainstorm Your high points Your low points In school achievements Personal achievements Your low points In school events Personal events
Dig Deeper Think of stories behind each of the items that you have recorded. A) Something emotional (funny, sad, bittersweet) B) Something from childhood C) Something from adolescence
Drafting Prompt: Write a narrative about a high point or a low point of your life It must contain narrative elements: setting, characters, plot, dialogue, and theme (reflect on story) Pre-write due Tuesday at beginning of class Outline due Wednesday at beginning of class Final copy due Friday 3pm (no rough draft or peer edit)
Helpful Hints This is the first impression that I will get of you. Impress me. Be creative- detail, detail, detail. Your experiences, good or bad, make you the person you are today. What can you learn about yourself through these experiences? This will become the theme. Follow the plot diagram: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution Suggested length: 3-4 full pages