By Ted Lewin Lost City
Two Minute Edit Synonym of explore search find dig travel
Goals Reading Goal: SWBAT describe the setting. Writing Goal: SWBAT respond to a text-related question. Team Cooperation Goal: My team will help and encourage each other.
Vocabulary determined glorious perfectly fabulous anxiously weary
Check Yourself Day 3 Self Do you know how to Pronounce the word Know the definition Say it in your own sentence
determined Definition- purposeful Sentence – My students are determined to not talk in line so they can leave home on time.
glorious Definition- delightful Sentence- Ms. Muneton’s class thinks that she is glorious.
perfectly Definition- without mistakes Sentence- My students always turn in their work perfectly without mistakes.
fabulous Definition- terrific Sentence- My managers always do a fabulous job.
anxiously Definition- excitedly Sentence – Javier anxiously waited his turn to ride the new Simpson ride.
weary Definition- very tired Sentence- In psychomotor the students played soccer for an hour, when it was time to go home the students were weary.
Review Vocabulary with Partner Can you say it? Can you define it? Can you say it in a sentence?
Vocabulary Vault
Listening Comprehension Superfudge (51-53) Think about the setting What is the setting Describe the setting
Build Background Summarize what has happened in the story. What is your prediction and evidence. Team Question Why is the little boy in the story excited?
Team Talk Describe the setting in this part of the story. Arteaga decides to lead the explorers to Machu Picchu because- You can conclude form the text that Hiram Bingham- Describe the boy.
Partner Read and Silent Read- 15 minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you Read and restate pages 546 Read page 547 silently Discuss with team words you clarified find vocabulary words
#1 Reads the Question #2 Answers the Question #3 Agrees or disagrees with evidence from the text #4 Summarizes what the groups discussed
Team Talk Describe the setting in this part of the story. Arteaga decides to lead the explorers to Machu Picchu because- You can conclude form the text that Hiram Bingham- Describe the boy.
Class Discussion What words did your group clarify? Lets discuss our Team Talk Questions
Team Talk Describe Cusco. Hiram Bingham goes to Peru because- Describe Hiram Bingham. You can conclude from the story that the Inca-
AIW What should you do when you meet a stranger and no one else is around? Why?
Scoring Guide You answer the question 25 points Your answer explains or describes with at least two details 25 points Your answer makes sense and has Part of the question in it 20 points Your answer is written in complete, correct sentences 20 points Your writing has correct capitalization and punctuation 10 points
Vocabulary Practice Cloze Practice determined glorious perfectly fabulous anxiously weary
Fluency – 2 min Pg 544
Fluency Rubric 100 points Expressiveness Smoothness Rate and correctness 90 points Smoothness 80 points Rate and correctness 70 points Correctness