16 Supplement to Eurostat Annual Report, October 2014 A6465/15/06 (Room) 16 Supplement to Eurostat Annual Report, October 2014 Working Group on Article 64 and Article 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 26th & 27th March 2015
Content of this presentation Main conclusions Approach used in 2014 Different calculations Content of report
Main conclusions – Data submission 31st July target date for SRQ submission was largely achieved missing: RO: no data at all used forecast figures FI: (table 5 was supplied, discussions are ongoing); Eurostat and FI agreed on a specific summary estimate
Main conclusions – Validation No explicit validation target date (pay freeze) By end of October 2014: Explicit validation achieved for 16 countries: BE, CZ, DK, EL, ES, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, LU, AT, PT, SI, SK, FI, Tacit/subsequent validation for 9 (often linked to methodology discussion and country manual): BG (06.02), DE (19.02), EI (08.01), CY (09.01), HU (07.01), MT (09.01), NL (13.11), PL (pending), SE (10.11), UK (25.02) No validation (use forecast): EE, RO Countries in red: sample countries that were late Poland: outstanding query does not significantly affect value calculated for this period
Main conclusions – Supplied Data Data supplied for upper/median/lower steps in grade for 23 countries. Non supply linked to specific national circumstances: No data for upper and lower steps for DK, SK No data for median step in grade for IT, LU, UK For some countries: Data married = single (no distinction in national remuneration system) Decisions recorded in country manuals
Main conclusions – Sample coverage Sample coverage 100% except for CZ (91%), ES (88%), CY (96%), LV (98%), HU (99%), AT (86%), PT (92%), SI (85%) EE (71%), SK (27%), UK (74%)
Main conclusions – eDAMIS eDAMIS successfully used by 21 countries Email from EE, ES, LU, HU, NL, AT, SK Automatic updating procedure use of eDAMIS even more important (audit trail)
Reminder of the approach for 2014 Ongoing freeze as foreseen in Staff Regulations (1023/2013) (Art65 only) Data supply nonetheless necessary base for next year long-term timeseries Considered a test run for everybody and everything Opportunity to clarify methodology manuals
2014 ESTAT report A64 elements: became Ares(2014)3905867, see A65 elements: prepared 31.10.2014 not transmitted No formal Commission Communication or proposed Regulation for A65 part Agreement to present at A6465WG March 2015 Apart from separation A64+A65, similar structure to report for 2013 and previous years Sample of 11 countries
Outline of 2014 ESTAT report (A65 part) Main text Short (14p); key tables; main results. Annex 1 Short (22p); explanations, analyses, detailed tables. Annex 2a, 2b Long (134p+107p); summary tables EU28; detailed remuneration tables by country. Annex 2c Short (23p); control indicators EU28. Annex 3 Moderate (57p); time series analysis. Annex 2a,b: no printout – save the environment (EC going paperless) Annex 3 – after the meeting on CircaBC, like all others
Potentially affected remuneration of Active staff of EU institutions Permanent officials Temporary agents Contract agents Pensioners Active staff of EU agencies European School Teachers (secondment) But not this year, due to pay freeze 2014 Similarly, by collaboration: Coordinated Organisations, EPO, EuroControl, CERN, ESO
Numbers GSI: 101.3 +1.3% Joint Index: 100.9 +0.9% Adjustment: +2.2%
Would moderation and exception clauses apply? 2014 Q4 Yr 'N' Yr 'N' Yr 'N+1' DG.ECFIN Autumn forecast of real GDP +0.3 +1.3 +1.5 Conclusion Positive: Art.11 does not apply If negative: Art.11 WOULD apply → Timing of annual adjustment 100% 1 July 2014 33% 1 July 2014 67% 1 April 2015 SOURCE: