By Nealesh Ragoodial - Security Capstone Quantum Security By Nealesh Ragoodial - Security Capstone
What is Quantum? Classical Computer vs Quantum Computer - Molecules (electrons) don’t just go up and down Superposition the entirety of Quantum Mechanics - Can represent both a 1 and 0 at the same time Qubits - 1 qubit = 2 states -2 qubits = 4 states - With every added quantum bit, you double computational power - 30-qubit computer = faster than world fastest super computer - 300-quibit computer > all computers in the world connected together
Do we need it? Moore’s law states: Transistors per square inch on circuit boards will double every year. Moore’s law has slowed down drastically- Do we need faster computers? Traveling Salesman Problem - Calculate the fastest and number of routes he can take - 14 cities = 10^11 possible routes = 100 seconds - 22 cities = 10^19 possible routes = 1600 years!!
Benefits Factor really large prime numbers Better Security… better weather predictions Location of distant planets Better understanding of chemistry = cure for Alzheimer’s disease Better Security…
The Problem First come first serve. 21st century space race. Easy data breaches Person data Military data Classified government Documents
A solution Post-Quantum Cryptography – Quantum Key Distribution Using Photons to transfer information Creating a key that is completely random Generalized Knapsack Code Developed by Nathan Hamlin Disguising data with number strings more complex than the zero and one’s modern computers use to operate
Final Thoughts Theoretical yet plausible Next 20 – 30 years Bring awareness