TRAINING OF FOCAL POINTS on the CountrySTAT SYSTEM based on FENIX CountrySTAT Platform Overview of the Metadata in the new CountrySTAT platform TRAINING OF FOCAL POINTS on the CountrySTAT SYSTEM based on FENIX
Copy Metadata from another table Overview Work flow Data Management Metadata Editor Essential metadata Copy Metadata from another table
Your table is published Work flow Have the data ready Create your table following the rules Use the right codification CVS format No columns with labels CPC 2.1 HS GAUL CountrySTAT indicators Unit of Measurement DAC Attributes Flag Forestry production Fishery production Scientific Fishery production Have the metadata ready Title Subject Data type Domain Your table is published Go to the metadata editor Upload the values Create the DSD structure Fill all metadata 21/11/2018
METADATA Definition: a metadata is data defining data. Metadata on statistical data (to insure quality of data): units, source, contact, creation date, last-updated date … And additional statistical metadata (methodology, survey/census, frequency of data collection, etc…) 11/21/2018
METADATA Metadata example Raw data without any metadata : I don't know the meaning of the data, I suspect it's the age of the races. Data with metadata: With two metadata, (title – name of variable), I know the meaning of the data. 21/11/2018
Uploading tables in CountrySTAT To start the upload of a table, login and then click on “Data Management”
Uploading tables in CountrySTAT
Metadata Editor The more fields are filled in, the more accurate the description of data and the retrieval of the dataset will be
Metadata Editor Once the previous section has been filled, by clicking on each of these elements, new sections will appear. These new sections need to be completed as well All these information enhance data quality and end-users’ trust in the related data!
Essential metadata Title of your table: it is crucial to insert an explanatory title for the user. Write everything that relates to your table: e.g. Sub-national agricultural production Be sure that your title is not identical to another already present Automatically generated by system
Essential metadata Creation date is now automatically generated Role of organization: To view it in the "source" column of the catalog, select "producer"
Essential metadata To publish a table in "not visible to the public" format, please go to Domain 6 "Accessibility" and then point 3 "Confidentiality"
Essential metadata At the bottom of the page, you can choose whether to make it public ("free", default choice) or make it visible only when logged in as administrators in the "data management" page
Metadata Editor After all entities have been filled with the right metadata information, click on the “save” button at the top right of the page, in order to get to the next phase of the uploading
Metadata Editor The green box at the top right indicates that the resource has been created and the metadata have been stored correctly
Copy Metadata from another table If you have already filled in the metadata of another table, and you want to use the same metadata in another, you first have to open the table you want to copy Click on the "meta" button
Copy Metadata from another table Copy the "Resource Identification Code"
Copy Metadata from another table Go to "Data Management" and add a new table. Once in the metadata section .... …. Click on the "magnifying glass" button ...
Copy Metadata from another table … and paste here the identification code of the resource you have chosen Save it
Copy Metadata from another table Metadata have been copied. Please remember to change the title and any other metadata different from the copied table!
Copy Metadata from another table If you have this error message… Check if, by mistake, you left some empty space