Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio Daily Oral Language Week 2
Sentence 1 Underline the nouns and circle the adjectives that describe them. the iron lung in the large hospital held a frightened little girl. her painful disease caused her to miss the homecoming fun.
Sentence 2 Underline the articles and circle the demonstratives. that is a shame said her friend. do those hurt the top of your foot
Sentence 3 Underline the verbs and circle the direct objects. the doctor pinched pegs toe poked her leg and dropped her arm on the bed. he gave bad news
Sentence 4 well im glad we can send you to the may clinic said dr stevens. of course well need to prepare you for your trip
Sentence 5 Underline the linking verb and circle the words that are linked. peg became ill. her legs did not feel strong. her skin appeared pail. she fell to the floor