To our seniors…. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. -Henry David Thoreau
Jordan Buish 3 year member Clay Trap team Raised Youth Expo pigs, HLSR Horse Judging, Skills team Pursue a career in livestock management
J’Ray Cox 3 year member Showed Humble pigs 2012 6th place swine Going to Texas Tech to major in Petroleum Engineering
Hailey Foster 4 year member Humble show- 3 years rabbit senior showmanship Senior chapter conducting Rabbit production proficiency Going to Texas State to major in Healthcare Practitioning
Andy Layber 3 year member Humble animals- 3rd place, 5th place, 3rd place Plans to join the Army
Kyle Lucé 3 year member Clay Trap team- won state 2011-2012 Plans to go to Lonestar college then transfer to SFA
Brian McClanahan Greenhand Humble pig, helped build BBQ pit Plans to go to Tulsa Welding school
Sara Mobley 4 year member 3rd place broiler, 9th place Turkey, 3rd place Steer- Livestock and Turkey showmanship Greenhand secretary, chapter Vice President, Poultry judging and Public Speaking Going to Lonestar to major in Agriculture
Alexis Sikma Greenhand Chapter Conducting- 5th place Plans on having an Ag Science major and becoming a MILLIONAIRE
Courtney Wheeler 4 year member Humble steers LDE competitions Go to SFA and major in Special Education or Ag Education
McKenzie Woodard 3 year member Clay trap, raised Humble pigs-10th in class Youth Expo rabbits Radio-3rd place, Ag Issues Major in Agriculture
“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” ~Robert Louis Stevenson
Congratulations to all seniors and Good luck next year!!