Managing Your Electronic World in Research Administration Sandra Purves Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute
Create a Message Board for campus Administration Project Overview Create a Message Board for campus Administration Set up a central location for forms, guidelines and deadline dates Enable administrators to interact when they run into a situation where they may need some assistance Assist departments that lack administrative support Set up a Q&A section My goal with creating a message board for our campus is to have a support system in place for the administration along with the departments that have a lack of administrative support. In having this available at all times it will enable us to streamline our process and have solutions available to us when we need them.
Model the Way Research different options for a campus Message Board Met with Information Services to become familiar with different systems available Talked to Administrators, Coordinators and Officers to see what would be most useful
Inspire a Shared Vision Met with the central office to discuss the possibilities of an on campus Message board. They are very supportive of the idea and have agreed to work with me. Reach out to young investigators to see what would be most beneficial to them in regards to an on campus message board. Schedule a workshop for the campus in regards to managing your electronic world in research administration. I will be researching outside companies that can come in and lead the workshop. The central office and I will be working together in organizing the workshop. Reach out to departments that currently have an internal message board set up for their input.
Challenge the Process After a couple of meetings and some on-line research we have decided that the best way for us to go would be by using SharePoint. One of my biggest challenges will be that for everyone to have access to SharePoint they will need office 365. I am working with our IS department to help have this implemented. There is also the challenge of recruiting the departments that have administrative support to help maintain the message board.
Enable Others to Act Working with IS to assist with setting up a SharePoint website for the Administration on campus. Attended a SharePoint demonstration to become familiar with how it works. Teaming up with our Research Administration office. Reaching out to the campus Administrators and Project Coordinators
Encourage the Heart I am working on building a professional, productive and respectful website that will create a team of players to help assist the campus in streamlining our policies and procedures. Success is greater when it is accomplished as a team. I believe that supporting each others success makes for a greater individual success.
The 5 Practice of Successful Leadership Taking the Lead to propose a Message Board on Campus Enlist others in my shared vision of the Message Board Looking to launch as system that would create better communication for all departments Giving others on campus an opportunity to be a part of team Having a support system in place to benefit the campus as whole Modeling the Way – Take the lead Inspiring a Shared Vision – Enlist others in your vision of a message board Challenging the Process – Our campus currently relies on the Central office for resources. By creating a message board for our campus it would open up the doors of communication between all the departments and would help fill the gap in the departments that are lacking in administrative help. Enabling other to Act – Give an opportunity to the strong departments on campus to help the lesser staffed departments to succeed. Encouraging the Heart – The goal is to have a support system in place that can benefit everyone to work more efficiently and as a team.
Project Update Continuing to work with the Central Office and IS to provide the tools necessary to launch our Message Board. Discussed the idea with departments on campus that would be able to contribute. Obtained Office 365 in order to begin the process. Still working on a campus wide Office 365 launch.
Commitment to NCURA Continue my work with the Lead ME program as a MINT in the upcoming year. Continue to be a part of NCURA and volunteer Currently serving on the Awards Committee
Leadership Qualities Motivated Communication Respectful Goal Oriented Proactive Team Player These are some of the qualities that I feel are important to be a good leader. Being a part of the Lead Me program has enabled me to see that I possess some of the qualities it takes to be a leader and it has also given me the ability to apply the leadership skills in all areas of life, not just the work place. I have had the pleasure of working with some wonderful people in the program and hope to continue building these relationships. One of the most important things that I will be taking from this experience is confidence that I have the ability to be a leader.
The End!