Rhetorical Fallacy – a “cheap trick” a speaker makes when trying to persuade Instead of presenting the facts, they try something else. In this case, they say, “Trust me, I’m a doctor!”
Ad Hominem - name calling! Attacking the person instead of the issue.
Emotional Appeal – When someone tries to persuade by messing with feelings (not facts) Come on, adopt a puppy. Look at how cute he is! THINK OF WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO HIM IF YOU DON’T!
Commonplace assertion – an opinion that most people share “It’s smart to dress up for job interviews.”
Policy – a method or procedure
Explicit – out in the open; very clear The artist is not hiding the “bad things” in the song. He is making it the focus!
The album explicitly talks about inappropriate things. I explicitly told you to clean your room. What was the explicit message of the speaker?
Implicit – hidden; hinted at He didn’t explicitly tell me he did it, but his guilt was implicit by the fact that he was holding a bat and ball by the broken window.
All Summer in a Day The implicit message was about showing kindness to others who are different from you.
Explicit messages are on the surface. Implicit messages are below the surface.
Expository – informational
Persuade – to convince someone that you are right.
Stereotype – prejudice (not always related to race); an assumption about a group of people.