2017 Region 11: Core Competencies …a high level overview of findings. Presented by: Sue Gevedon Program Activities Specialist May 12, 2017 LA County Expanded Learning Advisory Committee Meeting
Four stakeholder groups: Grant Manager Program Director Site Coordinator Front Line Staff Six Categories: Child and Youth Development Families and Community Curriculum and Learning Environment Healthy and Safe Environment Professionalism and Program Management The Core Competencies were developed through the Technical Assistance for Program Effectiveness or TAPE project in 2011. These Core Competencies were a result of the collaboration between several Regional Leads within California. The group developed a list of the recommended knowledge and skills for professionals who work in before and after school programs under the ASES and 21st Century funds. Recognizing that there are different stakeholders groups within our field, Core Competencies were established for the four main stakeholder groups: the Grant Manager, Program Director, Site Coordinator, and Frontline Staff. There are 6 categories in the Core Competencies: Child and Youth Development, Families and Community; Curriculum and Learning Environment; Healthy and Safe Environment; Professionalism and Program Management. Each year, we take surveys based on these Core Competencies to help determine where our strengths and gaps are throughout LA County. These results are especially important for our LACOE team, because we use it to drive our TA offers for the following year. The competencies are intended to be used by program staff and supervisors as a framework for the selection and design of professional development activities.
2017-2018 Participation… Stakeholder Group Number of Responses Frontline Staff 1552 Site Coordinators 734 Program Directors 247 Grant Managers 77 Overall we had a great response to the survey this year. 2610 responses. Thank you!
How to read the reports… Region 11 Frontline Staff Self-Assessment Survey (Survey Closed 12/4/2017) N= 1552 Core Competency Description Self-Identified CC Level (Mode) CC Target Level Difference Focus (√) Child and Youth Development CYD1 Develops program goals that support the social and emotional development of all students. 2 3 1 CYD2 Designs lessons/activities aligned with program goals that support the social and emotional development of all students. CYD3 Conducts lessons/activities aligned with program goals that support the social and emotional development of all students. -1 √ CYD4 Supports positive relationships between adults and students. CYD5 Supports positive relationships between students. CYD7 Promotes a meaningful engagement and leadership of the students. How to read the reports… In your folders, you have the 4 stakeholders reports. Grant Manager, Program Director, Site Coordinator, and Front line Staff. The title indicates the stakeholder group the report is for. Here we have the Frontline Staff report. Starting from the top left, we have the “n” or the number of folks that participated. The second column is a brief description of the Core Competency There are 4 levels of competency 1= Mastery: being able to teach and/or demonstrate the competency 2= Application: being able to demonstrate with action through daily job duties; using the competency on a regular basis 3= Awareness: having basis or general knowledge of the competency 4= Not Applicable The third column is the self-identified result or the level of competency that was chosen most (mode) The forth column is the target level or where this particular stakeholder group should score The fifth column is the difference; here, we subtract self-identified from the target If there is a negative number in the difference column, it is determined as a focus area In your folders, you have a copy of each stakeholders report for 2017. These reports are color coded for your ease of reading. 1=Mastery 2=Application 3=Awareness 4=N/A
Skill Levels 1 = MASTERY OF SKILL (How do I teach others?) refers to the Competency Indicators in which before and/or after school program stakeholders consistently demonstrate expertise. The ability to teach and demonstrate to peers is a hallmark of the Mastery level. 2 = APPLICATION OF SKILL (How do I do it?) refers to Competency Indicators that comprise a stakeholder’s ongoing work. These competencies are essential to their job and require deeper knowledge than awareness. They are demonstrated by action. They are acquired through ongoing professional development and on the job work experience. 3 = AWARENESS (What is it?) refers to Competency Indicators where general information or a basic level of information is sufficient for a stakeholder. The stakeholder can describe the skills associated with the competency in general terms. It is worthwhile for the stakeholder to be familiar with the knowledge underlying the competency but deeper knowledge and application are not essential to his/her job 4 = N/A (NOT APPLICABLE) refers to Competency Indicators that, given the diversity of the before and/or after school program field, may not apply to some.
Child and Youth Development Core Competency Description Front Line Site Coord Program Director Grant Manger CYD1 Develops program goals that support the social and emotional development of all students. √ CYD2 Designs lessons/activities aligned with program goals that support the social and emotional development of all students. N/A CYD3 Conducts lessons/activities aligned with program goals that support the social and emotional development of all students. CYD4 Supports positive relationships between adults and students. CYD5 Supports positive relationships between students. The next set of slides are a compilation of the 4 stakeholder groups. They show if a competency is a focus area for that group, and if it is a new focus or if an improvement has been made from the previous year. No changes on this slide from last year
Child and Youth Development – continued Core Competency Description Front Line Site Coord Program Director Grant Manger CYD6 Promotes a sense of physical and emotional safety among students at the site. CYD7 Promotes a meaningful engagement and leadership of the students. √ improved CYD8 Respects and honors cultural and human diversity among students CYD9 Has an understanding of child and youth development principles. Both SC and PD Improved in promoting meaningful engagement and leadership of the youth.
FAMILY AND COMMUMITIES Core Competency Description Front Line Site Coord Program Director Grant Manger FC1 Informs, shares information, and collaborates with students' families. √ N/A FC2 Advocates for individual students' needs, providing referral information when appropriate. FC3 Has a working knowledge of and abilities to use resources within the broader community. The competencies for Family and Communities-There are no changes from previous years.
CURRICULUM AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Core Competency Description Front Line Site Coord Program Director Grant Manger CLE1 Creates and ensures an ongoing program environment that is student-centered. √ CLE2 Communicates, shares information, and collaborates with school district administrative staff. New focus CLE3 Communicates, shares information, and collaborates with school site administrators and instructional day staff. CLE4 Develops program goals that ensure the academic success of all students. Look to see why new focus….
CURRICULUM AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENT-Con’t Core Competency Description Front Line Site Coord Program Director Grant Manger CLE5 Designs or selects lessons/activities aligned with program goals that ensure the academic success of all students. √ N/A CLE6 Conducts lessons/activities aligned with program goals that ensure the academic success of all students. CLE7 Designs activities that expand the students' knowledge and understanding of their own immediate community and the larger global community. CLE8 Conducts activities that expand the students' knowledge and understanding of their own immediate community and the larger global community. CLE9 Uses strategies to promote student learning. For these competencies, the Site Coordinators overall, felt like they had an application for these, but not a Mastery, which is what is suggested to be the level they should be at. No change on this page
HEALTH AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT Core Competency Description Front Line Site Coord Program Director Grant Manger HSE1 Ensures the health and safety of students. HSE2 Follows safety and emergency procedures. HSE3 Maintains accurate program records and follows reporting procedures. HSE4 Ensures that the program incorporates activities to promote physical fitness and health. All stakeholder groups are on target with health and safe environment.
Core Competency Description PROFFESIONALISM Core Competency Description Front Line Site Coord Program Director Grant Manger P1 Strives for self-improvement including knowledge and skill development. P2 Demonstrates a positive work and team ethic. P3 Communicates with staff and stakeholders. All stakeholder groups are on target with this categories.
Core Competency Description PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Core Competency Description Front Line Site Coord Program Director Grant Manger PM1 Manages program staff. N/A PM2 Promotes the professional growth and development of staff. PM3 Engages and supports staff in the implementation of program activities to achieve program goals. PM4 Gathers, reviews, and uses program data for timely program improvement. √ No change from previous year
PROGRAM MANAGEMENT-Continued Core Competency Description Front Line Site Coord Program Director Grant Manger PM5 Understands and complies with the federal and state mandates for before and/or after school programs. √ PM6 Uses a variety of tools, documents, and resources that impact before and/or after school program quality and compliance (e.g., California Quality Self-Assessment Tool (QSAT), Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM), grant assurances). PM7 Manages fiscal resources, financial and other program records at the program or site level. An interesting note here: It is suggested that Program Directors and Grant Managers have mastery (#1) in these areas. This means they are continuously demonstrating their expertise when is comes to state compliance, state mandates- such as the state reports, FPM, etc. Yet the majority of this groups states they are at the application level.
WHAT HAS CHANGED FROM LAST YEAR Core Competency Description Site Coords Program Director Grant Manager CHILD AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CYD7 Promotes a meaningful engagement and leadership of the students. Improved CURRICULUM AND LEARNING ENVIORNMENT CLE2 Communicates, shares information, and collaborates with school district administrative staff. √ New focus CLE3 Communicates, shares information, and collaborates with school site administrators and instructional day staff. New focus
Where can I find this report? The four stakeholder group survey reports and the power point presentation can be found at the following Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/home/aspire%20shared%20files/Core%20Compentency%20Report%202018?preview=2017-18+Core+Competency+presentation+-+advisory+mtg+Jan+2018.pptx
Questions? If you want an individual agency/district report, please let me know.