Year 10 2014
Reflections on Last Year 2013 the Year of change! Boys to Adolescents
Academic Year 10 Preparation for HSC course Library open lunchtime for supervised study ROSA Subject choices for Year 11, 2015- Mon,16th June. Half Yearly Exams: Term 2 Yearly Exams: Term 4 Year 10 Preparation for HSC course
Day to Day College Procedures Issues/ incidents Admin Morning & Afternoon Mobile phones & ipods Mass/Reading Hats Personal Presentation & Order Homework
Canberra Trip! May 7-9 (Wed-Fri)
Virtues Faith Hope Charity Natural Industriousness Virtues Honesty
Pope John Paul II Canonisation in April “The great danger for family life in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish”.
Formational Priorities Religion classes 3 per week (Rosary in the chapel) Sacraments Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (First Friday) Pilgrimage in May Prayer at home Electronic media, computers, TV, video games, music “FOUR OUT of FIVE 16 year olds are accessing pornography regularly”, (Jonathan Doyle). British Parliamentary Inquiry Self control, avoiding idleness, keeping industrious Consistent conversations with your son Term 4 Community Service
Academic Strategies & Skills Attitude Goal setting/work ethic/grades for some- industriousness Parents try to have a culture of work in the home, less entertainment distractions (Mon-Fri) Get homework done early Re-writing class notes from the day or the week- Great study strategy/writing practice paragraphs to hand in for feedback Set times to study- whether they feel like it or not!
Back to basics Remember what your son desires and needs Time Attention Affection Approval Remaining close to your son Remember, they notice everything!