WORKSHOP Data analysis and report writing Out of school Drop-outs Trainers: Ms Alison Culpin Mr Greg Keeble Mr Frank Siciliano Communication and dissemination Education indicators Evidenced based policy making Population dynamics Data quality Open VEMIS Census of Population and Housing Demographic Health Surveys Household Income and Expenditure Survey Time series analysis SDGs School census data cycle Interpretation and narratives Stakeholders Mapping data Disaggregated data School level data Sub-national data Outcomes and assessments Education finance Teachers Drop-outs Out of school Trends and patterns WORKSHOP 17th to 19th October 2017 MSG Secretariat Building. Port Vila. Data analysis and report writing
Participants roles and duties Day 1: • Welcome and Introduction • Participant introductions – work groups, tasks • Objectives of the workshop • Using statistics for evidenced based policy • Review of various data sources for the education sector • Population dynamics and the link to education • Introduction to Education Indicators for Vanuatu • Sustainable Development Goals – targets and indicators • The School Census data cycle • Data quality issues • Incorporating simple written narratives to data and indicators • Communication and dissemination of data – techniques, tools, and stakeholders Day 2 and Day 3: • National and sub-national/Provincial data • Mapping education data • Disaggregated data o Gender parity o Disabilities o Education Authorities • Age by Grade analysis • Basic education indicators • Interpretation of indicators • Financial aspects of the education sector • Teachers • School Drop-outs • Out of school estimates • Higher education and TVET • Time series analysis • Data trends investigations • School based data and indicators • Education outcomes and assessments – overview • Final review of workshop – participant’s evaluation Participants roles and duties Objectives of the workshop
OK….. but what about data quality? Using statistics for evidenced based decision making, policy and planning Help to make well informed decisions about policies, programs and projects Can produce more effective decisions Helps to ensure policies, programs and projects are responding to real needs of the community Can highlight the urgency of an issue or problem requiring immediate attention, funding & resources Encourages information sharing within and between agencies Can reduce government expenditure Can generate savings and efficiencies Encourages transparency and accountability OK….. but what about data quality? Why do statistics matter? Help to identify needs Set goals Monitor progress
Statistical literacy Knowledge, skills, awareness and confidence to access, understand, analyse and communicate statistical information Data awareness Fit-for-purpose Understand statistical concepts and measures Interpret and evaluate statistics Summarise Report, communicate, disseminate