Top 10 colleges Andrez Delgado Per. 1
CAl State San Marcos The location of this college is near the coast of California It’s also a very accepting college that is willing to accept students who have a 3.0 or higher GPA Their campus is also very clean and is small Their student count is also low which means students have a better chance at creating a relationship with the teacher
San Diego State University The location of this university is also near the coast I like this college because it was near one of my favorite football teams The overall layout of the college is nice and has a nice campus The campus also contains fraternity
University of California Riverside This college is near my house which means my travel time will be short The college also contains my major, which is chemistry and other sciences The college is also a decent sized campus
Cal Poly Pomona This college offers major in mechanics The campus is nice and big with many buildings It’s located in california which saves me from out of state charges The logo is also very detailed and has nice colors
Notre Dame The school has a nice campus and is very clean The college is also located near my home which saves me travel time This college also has a football program Their logo is nice looking and detailed
Northern Arizona University This college is located out of state It allows me to learn more about a different state It offers many majors, such as math majors and sciences The campus is very clean and nice looking
University of San Francisco This college is located up north in california The weather is nice and cool It is also located near the coast, near the bay of california The college is very clean and has a nice campus
California Baptist University The college is located a decent distance from my house It’s near the coast of california The weather is also cool and isn’t very hot or humid The campus is small and is very nice
Pepperdine University It’s an hour drive away from my home The architecture of the buildings is nicely decorated It is also near the coast of california The weather is cool and not humid
Santa Clara University This college is also located up north The weather is nice and cool The campus life is nice and open It’s about a 5 hour drive away from my home
College preferences I’m interested in chemistry, Biology and any mechanical majors I prefer a college that has any sports but mainly football The sport division doesn’t matter to me I wouldn’t mind how far or how close a college is to my home The setting of a college would need to be near the coast, co-Ed, and religious affiliation doesn’t matter The area of study can be either important or unimportant The semester system doesn’t matter to me The weather is important to me Religious affiliation doesn’t matter to me
Continued Greek life doesn’t matter as much to me EOP programs are prefered but not as important Work study programs are important Study abroad programs are important Dorms are important especially if it is located miles away The dorm room setup is important Competitive GPA and test scores are not important The percentage of students who receive financial aid is important