Title I-A Coordinators Conversation February 17, 2015
Agenda Introductions National Title IA Updates OMNI Circular Update Reauthorization??? OMNI Circular Update Schoolwide & Targeted Assistance Planning Odyssey Conference Topics from Coordinators
Introductions (Who’s online & in the room?)
National Title IA Conference Updates Reauthorization & New EDGAR rules
Reauthorization of ESEA (Alexander) Title I money, formula Supplement, not supplant (but modified) Charter school grants Focus on States with laws more open to charters Requirement to have some kind of standards and assessments Requirement to have some kind of school ratings/intervention Limitation on Secretarial waiver, decision-making authority What’s In Level of federal involvement overall Especially in interventions, school ratings Annual testing in grades 3-8 Science assessments Additional requirement to take grade-level assessments Comparability Survival of small competitive grant programs What’s Up In the Air
Reauthorization of ESEA (Alexander) Highly Qualified Teachers requirements Teacher Evaluations Develop & implement state or local teacher eval systems What’s Changing?
EDGAR rules (aka Omni Circular) Written procedures and policies Increase monitoring of sub recipients Review regulations by summer 2015 Similar BUT there are changes Training provided
EDGAR impacts on Districts Districts may want to brush up on their own policies and procedures pertaining to Travel Contracting/Procurement Cost Controls Grant expenditures Time and Effort Tracking Inventory
Indistar Transition Oct 1, 2016 All SWP & TAS plans will be Indistar 2013-14 All new schoolwide (SWP) plans 2014-15 All new targeted assistance (TAS) plans 2015-16 Last year of transition Oct 1, 2016 All SWP & TAS plans will be Indistar
Indistar Transition Survey ODE Survey & Support http://goo.gl/forms/fDtOJ8McLE Indistar Transition Survey Review & feedback of submitted plans Increased training opportunities Regional and individual technical assistance, as requested School-level R&R’s (coming soon) Support from ODE
SEA Annual Review Process of Title IA Plans Schools input / transition plans into Indistar Districts review plans annually & submit their reviews in Indistar using the SEA District School Level Plan Review form. SEA reviews district submissions of plans If District DOES NOT SUBMIT a review of a plan SEA will review the plan and the district will have 60 business days to submit a review addressing the SEA’s comments of the plan. In addition, this non submission will INCREASE the district’s risk factor in being monitored for the upcoming year. If Districts review is INCOMPLETE or DOES NOT DEMONSTRATE a sufficient review. In addition, this would be a CONSIDERATION when determining the district’s risk factor for being monitored for the upcoming year. If District’s review is COMPLETED and provides sufficient feedback SEA may review the plan to look for exemplars in planning In this case, a district’s risk factor for being monitored would be LOWER.
Schoolwide & Targeted Assistance Schoolwide & TAS Schoolwide & Targeted Assistance rubrics for Indistar are located at http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1939
Updates Upcoming Title IA Coordinators Conversations April 15th, 9:00-11:00am webinar Odyssey Conference Portland (August 11-13th) Sunriver (August 18-20th)
Topics from Coordinators?
Federal Systems Team Director: Dave Cook Education Specialists: Melinda Bessner, Title I-A, Monitoring, REAP, RLIS, Schoolwide Planning, Budget Narrative Approvals for districts E-P Dona Bolt, Title X (Homeless Education) Jesse Parsons, Title I-A, Monitoring, Budget Narrative Approvals for districts A-D Pete Ready, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Russ Sweet, Monitoring, Titles I-A & I-D, Private Schools, Budget Narrative Approvals for districts Q-Z Support Staff Emily Swope Stacie Ankrum Ann Kaltenbach
Questions? PowerPoint & Webinar will be posted at http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1939