Chief Information Officer AzEDS Update Presented to: ASCUS February 9, 2018 Satish Pattisapu Chief Information Officer
Presentation outline INTEG15 Updates from last meeting Implementations/Changes SSIS program In the works
INTEG15 Query looked for: SCHOOL ID YEAR SCHOOL ID YEAR RESULT ID 1234 2018 F LEA SUB ID Null 1234 2018 P 4455 Query looked for: SCHOOL ID YEAR
AzEDS updates from last time Are there plans to add data specifics to rule failures? For example, if a rule says that a Need failed, the message would tell me what need. Not planned for FY18. Possible for FY19 roadmap Will STC consider allowing users to submit multiple mini-terms? Perhaps offer a mini-term 1, mini-term 2, mini-term 3, etc. STC Program area still discussing Will ADE be able to provide a report for users to look up high school student cohorts without having to call Accountability? There is an Integrity rule if a Cohort is missing. No report planned for FY18. Possible for FY19 roadmap On the student Identity Search tool, provide the grade level on the student enrollment results. Not planned for FY18. Possible for FY19 roadmap If R22 fails Integrity rule -10099, does this impact funding? Yes Is -10116 ever going to be re-implemented? Yes
AzEDS Bugs from last time Any updates on the issue where the S21 code will not filter when running the “no summer withdrawal” option on STUD10? Completed S22 summer withdrawal and R22 codes are failing rule -10099 for invalid circumstances. (Also -10081 & -10089) Fixed
Remaining planned AzEDS enhancements 80020 - DRP - Waive rule if school district is same for both traditional and DRP-enrollments (exclude charters) 10082 - Membership Rules - Rule should validate for scenarios based on "W" exit codes 40040- FED SPED - If concurrent SPED program participation for a single student are reported with different DORs, fail integrity for all DORS (rule enhancement) 20037 - Accountability Rules Payment -Disable Rule 40069 - FED SPED Rule - Consider passing students that have a continuous SPED program and a mid-year grade change at the same school. 40055 - FED SPED - Rule needs to be updated to account for W21 code 40055 - FED SPED - Exclude validation for SPED codes with "N/A" on SPED Matrix 50010 - Support Programs - For Johnson O'Malley Indian Ed. program, if the Tribal Name is equal to nulls, report the discrepancy as an error. 50013 - Support Programs - Modify rules definition and message to include Support Program Matrix
Statewide Student Information System (SSIS) Update Program goals achieved Provide lower cost choices to LEAs Great functionality with a predictable flat per-student rate Edupoint has been a remarkable partner Support services transitioned from ADE to Edupoint in January Program concluded this month
In the works School calendar APOR/CHAR requirements FY19 Roadmap priorities Requested development funding
Thank You ADE Chief Information Officer 602.542.1562 Satish Pattisapu Follow ADE IT on Facebook and Twitter