Career Development Efforts Wisconsin’s Career Development Efforts Call to Action Next Steps
The Talent Silos K12 Education IHEs Workforce Development Economic Development
Pathway Map State Endorsed Criteria, Regionally Specified Pathways, Locally offered K12 Sequence of Courses Dual Enrollment Work-Based Learning Certification /Credential Postsecondary Options Work Registered Apprenticeship Military Technical College Public & Private University Careers Entry Level Mid Level Skilled/Technical Professional
Academic & Career Planning How does it all fit together? STATE Academic & Career Planning REGION Career Pathway SCHOOL Program of Study STUDENT Academic & Career Plan A whole school PROCESS That actively engages students to develop an understanding of his or her self; create a vision of his or her future; define individual goals; & prepare a personal plan for achieving the vision & goals An ACP PLAN for Hi Skill Hi Demand Occupations That is led by industry & developed in collaboration with public partners to ensure that students move seamlessly through educational institutions, training opportunities, & work-based experiences to build skills & credentials with supportive strategies as needed. A SCHOOL ACP PLAN for Broad Occupational Areas (Clusters) That defines the school’s specific sequence of instruction based on standards, knowledge, & skills, consisting of coursework, cocurricular activities, worksite learning, service learning, & other locally available experiences. A STUDENT’s PERSONAL ACP PLAN That represents a fluid map of academic, career, & life goals reflecting a student’s unique set of interests, skills, learning, and graduation requirements.
Focus on SYSTEM Coordinated agreements, buy-in, efforts Employer Led, Employer Capacity, Hi Level Company Cradle to Coffin, Life-Long Learning to navigate pathways Independent – not owned by one entity or public agency No one “program pushing” Communications – demonstrate connections Branded approach EQUITY & INCLUSION at the center Foster both sides to promote pathways system (public agencies & private sector)
Regional Map