FY2018 CoC Program Grant
Briefing Agenda CoC Program Description NOFA Resource Links HUD Policy Priorities Consolidated Application Scoring Tier 1 & Tier 2 Funding Structure Renewal Project Info New Projects: PH Bonus, Reallocation, DV Bonus Consolidation Projects Project Clarifications TX-601 Timeline & Project Application Process
CoC Program Description The CoC Program is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; to provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, States and local governments to quickly re-house homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, and youth while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; to promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families; and to optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness. NOFA pg 6
Local RFP Pending: Publish Week of July 9th NOFA Resources FY2018 HUD NOFA TCHC highly encourages all interested applicants to thoroughly read the NOFA in its entirety CoC Program Grant TX-601 RFP Local RFP Pending: Publish Week of July 9th
HUD Policy Priorities Ending homelessness for all persons Create a systemic response to homelessness Strategically allocate resources Use a Housing First Approach NOFA pg 6-7 Ending homelessness for all persons: -identify, engage, and effectively serve all persons experiencing homelessness. -measure performance based on local data that consider the challenges faced by all subpopulations experiencing homelessness in the geographic area -comprehensive outreach strategy in place to identify and continuously engage all unsheltered individuals and families. -use local data to determine the characteristics of individuals and families with the highest needs and longest experiences of homelessness to develop housing and supportive services tailored to their needs. -use the reallocation process to create new projects that improve their overall performance and better respond to needs Creating a systemic response to homelessness: -use system performance measures such as the average length of homeless episodes, rates of return to homelessness, and rates of exit to permanent housing destinations to determine how effectively they are serving people experiencing homelessness. -use Coordinated Entry to promote participant choice, coordinate homeless assistance and mainstream housing and services to ensure people experiencing homelessness receive assistance quickly, and make homelessness assistance open, inclusive, and transparent. Strategically allocating and using resources: -Using cost, performance, and outcome data, CoCs should improve how resources are utilized to end homelessness. -review project quality, performance, and cost effectiveness. -maximize the use of mainstream and other community-based resources when serving persons experiencing homelessness. -develop partnerships with Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to work toward helping CoC Program participants exit permanent supportive housing through Housing Choice Vouchers and other available housing options -review all projects eligible for renewal in FY 2018 to determine their effectiveness in serving people experiencing homelessness, including cost effectiveness. Use a Housing First approach: -CoC Program funded projects should help individuals and families move quickly into permanent housing, -measure and help projects reduce the length of time people experience homelessness. -engage landlords and property owners, remove barriers to entry, and adopt client-centered service methods.
CoC Consolidated Application FY 2018 CoC Application FY 2018 Project Application for each project Priority Listing Reallocation Forms New Project Listing Renewal Project Listing CoC Planning Project NOFA page 44
CoC Application Scoring CoC Coordination & Engagement 48 Points Project Ranking, Review & Capacity 29 Points HMIS 13 Points Point-In-Time Count 6 Points System Performance 56 Points Performance & Strategic Planning 48 Points 200 Available Points NOFA pg 50-70 CoC Coordination and Engagement. HUD will award up to 48 points to CoCs that demonstrate coordination with other systems of care that serve homeless individuals and families, including sources of funding other than the CoC Program; an inclusive and outcome-oriented community process, including an organization structure(s) and decision-making process for developing and implementing a CoC strategy that is inclusive of representatives from both the private and public sectors, has a fair and impartial project review and selection process; and has created, maintained, and built upon a community-wide inventory of housing for homeless individuals and families. Project Capacity, Review and Ranking. HUD will award up to 29 points to CoCs that demonstrate the existence of a coordinated, inclusive, and outcome-oriented community process for the solicitation, objective review, ranking, and selection of project applications, and a process by which renewal projects are reviewed for performance and compliance with 24 CFR part 578 Homeless Management Information System. HUD will award up to 13 points to CoCs that demonstrate the existence of a functioning HMIS that facilitates the collection of information on homelessness using residential and other homeless services and stores that data in an electronic format. Point-in-Time Count. HUD will award up to 6 points to CoCs that collect, use, and submit data from the 2018 PIT count. System Performance. HUD will award up to 56 points to CoCs that have a CoC system-wide performance related to reducing homelessness. Performance and Strategic Planning. HUD will award up to 48 points based on the CoCs plan for and progress towards reducing homelessness in its geographic area.
Project Ranking, Review & Capacity HUD will award up to 29 points to CoCs that demonstrate the existence of a coordinated, inclusive, and outcome-oriented community process for the solicitation, objective review, ranking, and selection of project applications, and a process by which renewal projects are reviewed for performance and compliance with 24 CFR part 578. Objective Criteria and Past Performance Severity of Needs and Performance Reallocating Projects Ranking and Selection Process Page 57-59 Objective Criteria and Past Performance. Demonstrate the use of objective criteria and, where available, past performance data to review project applications requesting CoC Program funding. used objective criteria (e.g., cost effectiveness, performance data, type of population served, or type of housing proposed); included at least one factor related to improving system performance (e.g., exits to permanent housing destinations); and included a specific method for evaluating projects submitted by victim service providers that utilized data generated from a comparable database and evaluated domestic violence projects based on the degree they improve safety for the population they serve. Severity of Needs and Performance. Consider the severity of needs and vulnerabilities experienced by program participants in their project ranking and selection process Identify the specific needs and vulnerabilities the CoC considers, including low or no income, current or past substance abuse, a history of victimization such as domestic violence, sexual assault, criminal histories, and chronic homelessness; and Describe how the CoC takes these needs and vulnerabilities into account during its ranking and selection process. Reallocating Projects. Demonstrate the ability to reallocate lower performing projects to create new higher performing projects that is based on performance review of existing projects. Demonstrate the CoC actively reviews performance of existing CoC Program-funded projects to determine the viability of reallocating to create new high performing projects. OR Have cumulatively reallocated at least 20 percent of the CoC’s ARD between the FY 2014 and FY 2018 CoC Program Ranking and Selection Process. Demonstrate the use of an objective ranking and selection process for project applications that is publicly announced by the CoC. demonstrate that the CoC used an objective ranking and selection process for all projects (new and renewal) that was made publicly available to potential project applicants; post on their website, at least 2 days before the application submission deadline, all parts of the CoC Consolidated Application, including the CoC Application attachments and the Priority Listing, and notify community members and key stakeholders that the CoC Consolidated Application is available. CoCs that do not have a website must post this information to a partner website within the CoC (e.g., a city or county website); establish a deadline for project applications that is no later than 30 days before the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition application deadline of September 18, 2018; and notify project applicants, in writing outside of e-snaps, who submitted their project applications to the CoC by the CoC-established deadline, whether their project application(s) will be accepted and ranked, rejected, or reduced on the CoC Priority Listing no later than 15 days before the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition application deadline, and where a project application is being rejected or reduced, the CoC must indicate the reason(s) for the rejection or reduction.
Tiered Funding Structure Ranking Policy HUD will continue to require Collaborative Applicants to rank all new & renewal projects into 2 tiers UPDATED LOCAL POLICIES PENDING ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE APPROVAL TX-601 Local Ranking Policy TX-601 Reallocation Policy NOFA pg 11
Tier 1 Tier 1: 94% of TX-601 ARD Projects in Tier 1 will be conditionally selected from the highest scoring CoC to the lowest scoring CoC (or until funding runs out), provided the projects pass both eligibility and threshold review NPFA pg 11
HUD Threshold Requirements Ineligible applicants Project Eligibility: Monitoring findings, OIG Investigation, routinely does not make quarterly drawdowns, late APR submission, etc Project Quality Thresholds: New Projects Project Renewal Threshold: Renewal Projects Consistency with Consolidated Plan Environmental Requirements NOFA pg 33-40
Tier 2 Tier 2: Remaining 6% of TX-601 ARD plus Bonus: 6% FPRN HUD will assign a point value to each project in Tier 2 Projects placed in Tier 2 will be assessed for eligibility and threshold requirements If a project application straddles Tier 1 & Tier 2, HUD will conditionally award the project up to the amount of funding that falls within Tier 1 as stated previously, the balance that falls into Tier 2 will be considered a Tier 2 project and scored and funded accordingly Projects that fall into Tier 2 will be funded based on the assigned HUD point value and available funds NOFA pg 11
Tier 2 HUD Score CoC Score: Up to 50 Points Direct proportion to score received on CoC Application CoC Project Ranking: Up to 40 Points Complex HUD Formula based on Tier 2 rank order and available funds Commitment to Housing First: Up to 10 Points How PH Projects commit to applying Housing First model How Joint TH-RRH & SH Projects demonstrate low barrier, prioritizes rapid placement & stabilization into PH; does not have service participation requirements or preconditions to entry HMIS & SSO CAS Projects receive 10 Points NPFA pg 11-12
Tiered Funding Structure Tier 1 TX-601: $11,208,067 Tier 2 TX-601: $1,430,817 $12,638,885 Total* Bonus: $715,408 Bonus included in Tier 2 total CoC Planning: Up to $337,704 CoC Planning is a non-competitive grant and is considered a separate project and is therefore not included in the Tiered process Domestic Violence Bonus: Up to 10 percent of the Preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN), or a minimum of $50,000, whichever is greater, or a maximum of $5 million, whichever is less *All Funding Amounts are Estimates Pending Final Notification from HUD ALL FUNDING AMOUNTS ARE APPROXIMATE UNTIL HUD RELEASES FINAL AMOUNTS ON EXCHANGE
Renewal Projects Eligible renewal projects requesting rental assistance are permitted to use a per-unit amount less than the Fair Market Rent (FMR), based on the actual costs per unit. This is intended to reduce the number of projects that have large balances of unspent funds at the end of the operating year. However, project applicants for rental assistance cannot request more than 100% of the FMR NOFA pg 32
Renewal Project Expansion Renewal projects are allowed to apply for an expansion project to expand existing eligible renewal projects that will increase the number of units in a project or allow the recipient to serve additional persons. Must indicate how the new project will expand units, beds, services or persons served Ensure the funding request is within parameters allowed under the reallocation process or bonus NOFA pg 17
New Projects from Bonus & Reallocation Bonus amount: Up to 6% of the FPRN, approximately $ 715,408 Reallocation amount: TBD Must be one of the following Permanent housing-permanent supportive housing (PH-PSH) projects that meet the requirements of Dedicated PLUS or where 100 percent of the beds are dedicated to individuals and families experiencing chronic homelessness New permanent housing-rapid rehousing (PH-RRH) projects that will serve homeless individuals and families, including unaccompanied youth Joint TH and PH-RRH component to better serve homeless individuals and families, including individuals or families fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking Dedicated HMIS project for the costs at 24 CFR 578.37(a)(2) that can only be carried out by the HMIS Lead Supportive services only (SSO-CE)project to develop or operate a centralized or coordinated assessment system NOFA pg 28
New Projects from DV Bonus New projects that want to be considered for the DV Bonus, may be: Permanent Housing-Rapid re-housing projects dedicated to serving survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking Joint TH and PH-RRH component projects dedicated to serving survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking Supportive service only-coordinated entry project to implement policies, procedures, and practices that equip the CoC’s coordinated entry to better meet 30 of 84 the needs of survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking Page 29
New Projects from DV Bonus A CoC may apply to expand an existing renewal project that is not dedicated to serving survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking to dedicate additional units, beds, persons served, or services provided to existing program participants to this population Page 8
New Projects from DV Bonus Must be 1 year grant term Only one submission per project type (PH, RRH-TH, SSO-CES) per CoC HUD will conditionally select DV Bonus projects based on the criteria established in the NOFA Any project conditionally selected by HUD as part of the DV Bonus will be removed from the CoC’s New Project ranking list and all projects underneath of it will slide up in rank Any project that indicated it would like to be considered as part of the DV Bonus but was not selected as part of the DV Bonus, will retain the ranking provided by the CoC and be considered as a normal ranked project* Page 8 *still waiting on clarification on exactly how this works and how it impacts local ARD & PH Bonus
New Projects from DV Bonus HUD will award a point value to each project application combining both the CoC Application score and responses to the domestic violence bonus specific questions in the CoC Application using the following 100-point scale: For Rapid Re-housing and Joint TH and PH-RRH component projects: CoC Score. Up to 50 points in direct proportion to the score received on the CoC Application. Need for the Project. Up to 25 points based on the extent the CoC is able to quantify the need for the project in its portfolio, the extent of the need, and how the project will fill that gap. Quality of the Project Applicant. Up to 25 points based on the previous performance of the applicant in serving survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, and their ability to house survivors and meet safety outcomes. For SSO Projects for Coordinated Entry: Need for the Project. Up to 50 points based on the extent to which the CoC is able to demonstrate the need for a coordinated entry system that better meets the needs of clients Page 12
Consolidated Projects Prior to considering a Project Consolidation, applicant should consult with local HUD field office to ensure eligibility Applicants that intend to use the consolidation process to combine two to four eligible renewal projects may do so through the renewal project application Projects must be held by the same recipient Projects must be of the same project component type Page 9
Project Clarification DedicatedPLUS: A PSH project where 100% of the beds are dedicated to serve individuals with disabilities and families in which one adult or child has a disability, including unaccompanied homeless youth, that at intake are: (1) experiencing chronic homelessness (2) residing in a transitional housing project that will be eliminated and meets the definition of chronically homeless in effect at the time in which the individual or family entered the transitional housing project; (3) residing in a place not meant for human habitation, emergency shelter, or safe haven; but the individuals or families experiencing chronic homelessness had been admitted and enrolled in a permanent housing project within the last year and were unable to maintain a housing placement; (4) residing in transitional housing funded by a Joint TH and PH-RRH component project and who were experiencing chronic homelessness prior to entering the project; (5) residing and has resided in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or emergency shelter for at least 12 months in the last three years, but has not done so on four separate occasions; or (6) receiving assistance through a Department of Veterans Affairs(VA)-funded homeless assistance program and met one of the above criteria at initial intake to the VA's homeless assistance system. Page 16 A renewal project where 100% of the beds were dedicated to chronically homeless individuals and families may either become a DedicatedPLUS project or may continue to dedicate 100% of its beds.
Project Clarification Joint TH-RRH: Project that includes two existing program components– transitional housing and permanent housing-rapid rehousing–in a single project to serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness. The recipient must be able to provide both program components, including the units supported by the transitional housing component and the tenant-based rental assistance and services provided through the PH-RRH component. A program participant may choose to receive only the transitional housing unit or the assistance provided through the PH-RRH component, but the recipient must make both types of assistance available. HUD will require the recipient to adopt a Housing First approach across the entire project and program participants may only receive up to 24-months of total assistance. PAGE 18
How to Apply All required information will be included in the TX-601 RFP Complete all required components as listed in the RFP Email all completed elements to carolyn@ahomewithhope.org no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 3, 2018 Please also ensure that all projects have a complete application in e-SNAPS no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 3, 2018 Please hit “Submit” in eSNAPS once your project is complete CONVERT THE eSNAPS APPLICATION TO PDF AND INCLUDE WITH YOUR RFP SUBMISSION Renewal Project Score Cards Intent is to have score cards complete and submitted to projects the week of July 16, 2018
Required Documents - eSNAPS SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance: Project application, charts, narratives SF-424 Supplement, Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for Application Documentation of Applicant & Subrecipient Eligibility Form HUD-2880: Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update Report must be attached for each project, must include correct amount of HUD assistance requested, must be dated between May 1, 2018 and September 18, 2018 SF-LLL: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Applicant Code of Conduct: Must be attached in eSNAPS or on file with HUD Form HUD-50070: Certification for a Drug-Free workplace dated between May 1, 2018 and September 18, 2018 Due in eSNAPS by Friday, August 3, 2018 by 5:00 pm NOFA pg 38
Technical Assistance Sessions Optional NOFA / RFP Workshop Location: Fort Worth Housing Authority Boardroom Wednesday, July 18, 2018 9:00am – 11:00am Optional eSNAPS come & go session Fort Worth Housing Authority Computer Lab (north entrance, first floor) Thursday, July 19, 2018 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Additional Guidance USICH Webinar, July 11th at 1:30: Priorities & Process of FY18 NOFA Regularly check www.ahomewithhope.org/funding-opportunities/ for updates and information Sign up or update your contact information to receive TCHC Emails www.ahomewithhope.org Click “Join our FREE Email List” at bottom of page Choose the “Nuts & Bolts” list for funding announcements Questions TCHC@ahomewithhope.org Subject: NOFA-18