Français I – Leçon 6B Structures Indirect object pronouns Regular –re verbs Irregular –re verbs
Indirect object Claire parle à sa mère. An indirect object expresses to whom or for whom an action is done. In the example below, the indirect object answers this question: À qui parle Claire? (To whom does Claire speak?) Claire parle à sa mère. INDIRECT OBJECT NOUN SUBJECT VERB
Indirect object pronouns An indirect object pronoun replaces the indirect object noun. Claire parle à sa mère. Claire lui parle. ORIGINAL SENTENCE: INDIRECT OBJECT NOUN SUBJECT VERB NEW SENTENCE INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN SUBJECT VERB
INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS: me/m’ te/t’ lui nous vous leur SINGULAR PLURAL (me) (you) (him/her) (us) (you) (them) The indirect object pronoun usually precedes the conjugated verb. Je envoie des cadeaux à mes nièces. Je leur envoie des cadeaux. I send gifts to my nieces. I send them gifts.
More examples: Est-ce que tu parles à Antoine? Oui, je lui parle. Tu téléphones à Jean et à Marc? Oui, je leur téléphone. À qui est-ce que votre père a envoyé un e-mail? Notre père nous a envoyé un e-mail.
In a negative statement, place the indirect object pronoun between ne and the conjugated verb. Antoine, je ne te parle pas de ça. (Antoine, I’m not speaking to you about that.) Notre père ne nous a pas envoyé d’e-mail. (Our father didn’t send us an e-mail.)
When an infinitive follows a conjugated verb, the indirect object pronoun precedes the infinitive. Nous allons lui donner la cravate. (We’re going to give him the tie.) Ils espèrent vous prêter le costume. (They hope to lend you the suit.)
Verbs used with indirect object pronouns: demander à donner à envoyer à téléphoner à
montrer à parler à poser une question à prêter à
Regular –re verbs Like regular –er and –ir verbs you learned about earlier this year, regular -re verbs also follow a pattern. If the verb is a considered a “regular –re verb,” it will be conjugated the same way as other regular –re verbs. .
Attendre = to wait (remove the –re and add the new endings) j’attends nous attendons tu attends vous attendez il attend ils attendent elle attend elles attendent on attend *Note that the il/elle/on forms have no ending, and nous/vous/ils/elles have the same endings as regular –er verb
Other regular –re verbs (These verbs will be conjugated the same way as attendre) descendre (de) = to go downstairs; to get off; to take down entendre = to hear perdre (son temps) = to lose (to waste one’s time) rendre (à) = to give back, to return (to) rendre visit (à) = to visit someone répondre (à) = to respond, to answer (to) vendre = to sell
Passé composé When using regular –re verbs in the passé composé, remove the –re and add the letter “-u” to create the past participle. Example: vendre = to sell Present: Je vends les bonbons. (I’m selling candy.) Passé composé: J’ai vendu les bonbons. (I sold candy.)
Some verbs that end in –re are irregular (they do not follow a pattern).
conduire = to drive (irregular verb) je conduis nous conduisons tu conduis vous conduisez il conduit ils conduisent elle conduit elles conduisent on conduit Past Participle: conduit Ex: J’ai conduit hier soir.
Other verbs that are conjugated like conduire: construire = to build, to construct détruire = to destroy produire = to produce réduire = to reduce traduire = to translate
mettre = to put (on) je mets nous mettons vous mettez tu mets ils mettent il met elle met elles mettent on met Past Participle: mis J’ai mis un pull ce matin.
Other verbs that are conjugated like mettre: permettre = to allow promettre = to promise
rire = to laugh je ris nous rions tu ris vous riez il rit ils rient elle rit elles rient on rit Past Participle: ri J’ai ri pendent le film <<Elf.>>
Other verbs conjugated like rire: sourire = to smile