Summary of Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
Activation of Glucose for Biosynthesis The nucleotide labels are used to mark sugars set aside for biosynthetic process
Formation of NDP-glucose NTP + Glucose-1-phosphate NDP-Glucose + PPi (pyrophosphorylase)
Hydrolysis of Pyrophosphate -Provides the energy that shifts the equilibrium to the right
Glycogen Synthesis
Production of Milk and Lactose For antibody production -Galactosyl transferase and -Lactoalbumin are components of lactose synthase
Synthesis of Sucrose
Regulation of Carbohydrates
cAMP-dependent Protein kinase Conversion to ‘a’ is positively modulated by Glu-6-Phosphate
Substrate Cycles Reaction leads to production of heat from ATP hydrolysis -If both enzymes were to be active at the same time? Net Reaction: ATP + H2O ADP + Pi + Heat