GG Assessment To move the program from being teaching-centered WASC accreditation and Hawaii Hall requirement What is assessment? Develop explicit statements of what GG students should learn (SLO’s) Verify that the program is designed to foster this learning (alignment) Collect empirical data that indicate student attainment (assessment data) Use these data to improve student learning (close the loop) To move the program from being teaching-centered to being learning-centered 1
GG Student Learning Outcomes Students can explain the relevance of geology and geophysics to human needs, including those appropriate to Hawaii, and be able to discuss issues related to geology and its impact on society and planet Earth. Students can apply technical knowledge of relevant computer applications, laboratory methods, and field methods to solve real-world problems in geology and geophysics. Students use the scientific method to define, critically analyze, and solve a problem in earth science. Students can reconstruct, clearly and ethically, geological knowledge in both oral presentations and written reports. Students can evaluate, interpret, and summarize the basic principles of geology and geophysics, including the fundamental tenets of the sub-disciplines, and their context in relationship to other core sciences, to explain complex phenomena in geology and geophysics. Ideally – these should appear in course syllabi, and be introduced, developed, and mastered throughout the entire curriculum Mastery – Demonstrated at the Mastery level appropriate for graduation
Not targeted in mandatory curriculum Course SLO 1 Relevance SLO 2 Technical knowledge SLO 3 Scientific method SLO 4 Oral and written SLO 5 Evaluate phenomena GG1XX & GG101L I Geological Inquiry GG 200/200L D Matlab Programming GG 250 Mineralogy GG 301 Petrology GG 302(W) Structure GG 303 Geophysics GG 304/450 Field Methods GG 305(W) Sed/Strat GG 309(W) Geochem GG 325 UG Seminar GG410 M (oral) Electives Hydrogeology Volcanology Earthquakes Remote sensing Geospatial Climate change Coastal Energy/Mineral Geomath Data analysis Geomath Undergraduate Thesis Hawaiian geology Plate Tectonics Env Geochem Marine Geology Hydrology Not targeted in mandatory curriculum
GG Alignment Strengths Challenges Technical knowledge (SLO 2) Scientific method (SLO 3) Evaluating complex phenomena using core principles (SLO 5) Challenges Scientific writing is never introduced and never mastered No true capstone course GG410 underutilized opportunity SLO mastery not compulsory, not purposeful
Assessment Plan Align Program Collect Assessment Data Close the Loop Reassess SLO’s? Target syllabi to SLO’s Repair challenges Collect Assessment Data Every semester the graduating seniors grades are averaged under each SLO Collect these data for ~3 yrs Scoring rubric Below expectation (C or less) Satisfactory (C+ to B) Exemplary (B+ to A) Close the Loop Weak/strong learning under certain SLO’s? Consider new assessment tools (student survey, exit exam, student interviews, assessment test, student portfolio, etc.) Assess the assessment plan Seek UH expertise