Björn Klöve Bioforsk-Norway University of Oulu-Finland GENESIS Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems: New Scientific and Technical Basis for Assessing Climate Change and Land-use Impacts on Groundwater Systems Björn Klöve Bioforsk-Norway University of Oulu-Finland
Content of presentation Short introduction Progress since the last WG C meeting Next steps Workshops in 2010/2011 of interest for WG C
Case Study Aquifers
GENESIS Work Packages
Overall progress Measurement set-up planned in more detail at case study sites for quality assurance and control we have prepared questionaires and analysed also the experimental set-up at different cases sites e.g. for conducting tracer expetriments Measurements started in case study sites Collaboration between partners started and this can be seen in common measurements, publications planned, and research visits Modelling and analysis of results also started The GW directive input clarified and the parters well aware of the input needed Several review papers in progress Several workshops will be held to promote groundwater research methodologies, research question and policy
Progress in different work tasks – an overview Some deliverable will be ready in 2010 as planned D1.1, D2.1, D3.1, D4.1, D6.1 The project is in an intensive phase The work is in progress as planed
Main publications published Balderacchi, M. and Trevisan M. 2010. Comments on pesticide risk assessment by the revision of Directive EU 91/414. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 17(3): 523-528. Okkonen, J. Jyrkama, M. Kløve, B. 2010. A climate change assessment framework for ground water. Hydrogeology journal, 18 (2), 429-439. Okkonen J. Kløve, B. 2010. A conceptual and statistical approach for the analysis of climate impact on ground water table fluctuation patterns in cold conditions. Journal of Hydrology (in press). Peña Haro, S. A hydro-economic modeling framework for optimal management of groundwater nitrate pollution from agriculture. PhD thesis Technical University of Valencia, Spain Schwientek, M., Maloszewski, P. and Einsiedl, F. (2009): Effect of the unsaturated zone thickness on the distribution of water mean transit times in a porous aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 373, 516-526. Stumpp, C., Nützmann, G., Maciejewski S. and Maloszewski, P. (2009): A comparative modeling study of a dual tracer experiment in a large lysimeter under atmospheric conditions. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 375, 566-577.
Common publications in progress Review on pollutants Review on biogeochemical processess Review on groundwater dependent ecosystems
Next steps Model coupling workshop IAH meeting Partner meeting in Valencia
Upcoming events Workshop on flowpath characterization, 29-30 June Munich International Association of Hydrogeology IAH2010 world congress, September 2010 Climate change challenges in river basin management, 17–20 January 2011, Oulu, Finland
Thank you for your attention