Today’s word of the day is…


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Presentation transcript:

Today’s word of the day is… Constituent: Serving to compose or make up a thing; component. Having power to frame or alter a political constitution or fundamental law (not lawmaking power) A constituent assembly A constituent element, material; component / part A person who authorizes another to act in his behalf as a voter in a district represented by an elected official.

Today’s word of the day is… Element: A component or constituent of a whole or one of the parts into which a whole may be resolved by analysis. Bricks and mortar are elements of every wall. Any group of people singled out within a larger group by identifiable behavior patterns, common interests or ethnic similarities. He worried that the protest rally would attract the radical element.

Today’s word of the day is… Repudiate: To reject as having no authority or binding force To repudiate a claim. To cast off or disown To reject with disapproval, condemnation or denial To repudiate a new doctrine or to repudiate a charge as untrue

Today’s word of the day is… Abjure: To renounce, repudiate or retract, especially with formal solemnity; to recant To abjure one’s errors To renounce or give up under oath; forswear To abjure allegiance To abstain from or avoid/ shun

Today’s word of the day is… Abrogate: To abolish by formal or official means; annul by an authoritative act; repeal To abrogate a law To put aside; put an end to

Today’s word of the day is… Abstemious: Sparing or moderate in eating and drinking; temperate in diet An abstemious diet. Characterized by abstinence An abstemious life.

Today’s word of the day is… Acumen: Keen insight; shrewdness Remarkable acumen in business matters.

Today’s word of the day is… Antebellum: Before or existing before the war (Especially before the American Civil War)

Today’s word of the day is… Propitious: Presenting favorable conditions, favorably inclined; indicating favor Propitious weather

Today’s word of the day is… Auspicious: Promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable An auspicious occasion Favored by fortune; prosperous; fortunate

Today’s word of the day is… Belie: To show to be false; contradict His trembling hands belied his calm voice To misrepresent The newspaper belied the facts

Today’s word of the day is… Belligerent: Warlike; given to waging war Of warlike character; aggressively hostile Waging war; engaged in war A peace treaty was signed between the belligerent powers. Pertaining to war or those engaged in war

Today’s word of the day is… Bellicose: Inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile; belligerent; pugnacious.

Today’s word of the day is… Expurgate: To amend by removing words, passages, etc., deemed offensive or objectionable. To purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness. Most children read an expurged version of Grimms’ fairy tales.

Today’s word of the day is… Bowdlerize: To expurgate (a written work) by removing or modifying passages considered vulgar or objectionable.

Today’s word of the day is… Chicanery: Trickery or deception by quibbling or sophistry. A quibble or subterfuge used to trick, deceive or evade. He resorted to the worst flattery and chicanery to win the job. (*Subterfuge: a scheme, used to evade a rule, escape a rule or consequence, to hide something. YOU DO NOT NEED TO COPY THIS DEFINITION)

Today’s word of the day is… Chromosome: Any of several threadlike bodies, consisting of chromatin, that carry the genes in a linear order.

Today’s word of the day is… Boorish: Of or like a boor Unmannered, crude, insensitive.

Today’s word of the day is… Churlish: Like a churl; boorish; rude Of a churl; peasant like Difficult to work or deal with, as soil

Today’s word of the day is… Circumlocution: A roundabout or indirect way of speaking; the use of more words than necessary to express an idea. A roundabout expression

Today’s word of the day is… Circumnavigate: To sail or fly around; make the circuit of by navigation. To circumnavigate the Earth. To go or maneuver around. To circumnavigate the heavy traffic downtown.

Today’s word of the day is… Deciduous: Shedding the leaves annually, as certain trees and shrubs. Falling off or shed at a particular season or stage of growth (such as leaves, horns or teeth) Not permanent; transitory.

Today’s word of the day is… Deleterious: Injurious to health (deleterious gases) Harmful or injurious (deleterious influences)

Today’s word of the day is… Diffident: Lacking confidence in one’s own ability, worth or fitness; timid; shy Restrained or reserved in manner, conduct

Today’s word of the day is… Enervate: To deprive of force or strength; destroy the vigor or; weaken

Today’s word of the day is… Enfranchise: To grant a franchise to; Admit to citizenship, especially to the right of voting To endow a city or group with municipal or parliamentary rights To set free; liberate

Today’s word of the day is… Epiphany: An appearance or manifestation, especially of a deity. A literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight. A sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.

Today’s word of the day is… Equinox: The time when the sun crosses the plane of Earth’s equator, making night and day of approximately equal length, all over the Earth and occurring about March 21 (vernal equinox) and September 22 (autumnal equinox)

Today’s word of the day is… Euro: The official common currency of the European Union nations.

Today’s word of the day is… Evanescent: Vanishing; fading away; fleeting. Tending to become imperceptible; scarcely perceptible.

Today’s word of the day is… Facetious: Not meant to be taken seriously or literally. (a facetious remark) Amusing; humorous. Lacking serious intent.

Today’s word of the day is… Fatuous: Foolish or inane, especially in an unconscious, complacent manner; silly. Unreal; illusory *Inane: lacking sense, significance or ideas – empty, void (you don’t need to copy this, its just for your info)

Today’s word of the day is… Feckless: Ineffective; incompetent; futile Feckless attempts to repair the plumbing. Having no sense of responsibility; indifferent; lazy.

Today’s word of the day is… Fiduciary: In law: A person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another. Based on, or in the nature of trust and confidence, as related to public affairs. A fiduciary obligation of government employees.

Today’s word of the day is… Filibuster: In U.S. Politics The use of irregular or obstructive tactics by a member of a legislative assembly to prevent the adoption of a measure/law/bill that is generally favored or to force a decision against the will of the majority. An exceptionally long speech, as one lasting for a day or days, or a series of speeches to accomplish this purpose.

Today’s word of the day is… Gamete: A mature reproductive cell that unites with another cell to form a new organism.

Today’s word of the day is… Gauche: Lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward; crude; tactless.

Today’s word of the day is… Gerrymander: (named after Governor Elbridge Gerry, 1812) The dividing of a state, county, etc., into election districts so as to give one political party a majority in many districts while concentrating the voting strength of the other party into as few districts as possible.

Today’s word of the day is… Hegemony: Leadership or predominant influence exercised by one nation over others, as in a confederation. Aggression or expansionism by large nations in an effort to achieve world domination.

Today’s word of the day is… Hemoglobin: The oxygen-carrying pigment of red blood cells that gives them their red color and serves to convey oxygen to the tissues.

Today’s word of the day is… Homogeneous: Of the same kind or nature; essentially alike. Composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind.

Today’s word of the day is… Hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.

Today’s word of the day is… Hypotenuse: The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle.

Today’s word of the day is… Tribunal: A court of justice A place or seat of judgment

Today’s word of the day is… Impeach: To accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office. In Law: To challenge the credibility of; To impeach a witness

Today’s word of the day is… Incognito: Having one’s identity concealed, as under an assumed name, especially to avoid notice or formal attentions With the real identity concealed; to travel incognito

Today’s word of the day is… Incontrovertible: Not controvertible Not open to question or dispute Indisputable Absolute and incontrovertible truth.

Today’s word of the day is… Inculcate: To implant by repeated statement or admonition; to teach persistently and earnestly To inculcate virtue in the young To cause or influence someone to accept an idea or feeling Socrates inculcated his pupils with the love of truth

Today’s word of the day is… Infrastructure: The fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city or area – such as transportation, communication systems, power plants and schools. The basic underlying framework or features of a system or organization

Today’s word of the day is… Interpolate: To introduce (something additional or extraneous) between other things or parts To alter a text by inserting new material, especially deceptively or without authorization. In math: to insert, estimate or find an intermediate term in a sequence

Today’s word of the day is… Irony: The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. In literature: A technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually stated.

Today’s word of the day is… Jejune: Without interest or significance; dull A jejune novel Juvenile; immature; childish Jejune behavior Deficient or lacking in nutritive value Jejune diet Lacking knowledge or experience, uninformed Jejune attempts to design a house

Today’s word of the day is… Kinetic: Pertaining to motion Caused by motion Characterized by movement Running and dancing are kinetic activities.

Today’s word of the day is… Obsequious: Obedient; dutiful Being compliant in a servile manner (like a servant)

Today’s word of the day is… Kowtow: To act in an obsequious manner To touch the forehead to the ground while kneeling as an act of worship, reverence, apology, etc (Especially in former Chinese custom)

Today’s word of the day is… Autonomous: In government: self-governing, independent Having autonomy; not subject to control from the outside; independent In biology: existing and functioning as an independent organism

Today’s word of the day is… Laissez faire: The theory or system of government that upholds the autonomous character of the economic order, believing that government should intervene as little as possible in the direction of economic affairs. The practice or doctrine of noninterference in the affairs of others, especially with reference to individual conduct or freedom of action.

Today’s word of the day is… Lexicon: A wordbook or dictionary The vocabulary of a particular language, field of work, social class or person

Today’s word of the day is… Loquacious: Talking or tending to talk much or feely; talkative; chattering A loquacious dinner guest. Characterized by excessive talk; wordy Easily the most loquacious play of the season

Today’s word of the day is… Lugubrious: Mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in an affected exaggerated or unrelieved manner. Lugubrious songs of lost love

Today’s word of the day is… Metamorphosis: A complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation by magic or witchcraft. Any complete change in appearance, character or circumstances In biology: a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly

Today’s word of the day is… Mitosis: The usual method of cell division, characterized typically by the resolving of the chromatin of the nucleus into a threadlike form, which condenses into chromosomes, each of which separates longitudinally into two parts, one part of each chromosome being retained in each of the two new cells resulting from the original cell.

Today’s word of the day is… Moiety: A half An indefinite portion, part or share In anthropology: one of two units into which a tribe or community is divided on the basis of unilateral descent

Today’s word of the day is… Nanotechnology: A technology executed on the scale of less than 100 nanometers, the goal of which is to control individual atoms and molecules, especially to create computer chips and other microscopic devices.

Today’s word of the day is… Nihilism: Total rejection of established laws and institutions Anarchy, terrorism or other revolutionary activity. Total and absolute destructiveness, especially toward the world at large and including oneself; The power-mad nihilism that marked Hitler’s last years. Related word: annihilate

Today’s word of the day is… Nomenclature: A set or system of names or terms as those in a particular science or art, by an individual or community. The names or terms comprising a set or system

Today’s word of the day is… Nonsectarian: Not affiliated with or limited to a specific religious denomination

Today’s word of the day is… Notarize: To certify (a document or contract) or cause to become certified through a notary public.

Today’s word of the day is… Oligarchy: A form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominate class (government by the few)

Today’s word of the day is… Omnipotent: Almighty or infinite in power, as God Having very great or unlimited authority or power.

Today’s word of the day is… Orthography: The art of writing words with the proper letters, according to accepted usage; correct spelling The part of language study concerned with letters and spelling A system of letters or symbols Missionaries provided the first orthography for the language.

Today’s word of the day is… Oxidize: To convert (an element) into an oxide; combine with oxygen To cover with a coating of oxide or rust

Today’s word of the day is… Paradigm: A set of forms all of which contain a particular element, especially the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme. An example serving as a model or pattern A display in fixed arrangement of such a set (boy, boy’s, boys, boys’

Today’s word of the day is… Parameter: In math: one of the independent variables in a set of parametric equations In statistics: a variable entering into the mathematical form of any distribution such that the possible values of the variable correspond to different distributions. In computers: a variable the must be given a specific value during the execution of a program or of a procedure within a program. Usually limits or boundaries, guidelines. The basic parameters of our foreign policy

Today’s word of the day is… Pecuniary: Or or pertaining to money Pecuniary difficulties Consisting of/or given, or exacted in money or monetary payments Pecuniary tributes In crime/violation: involving a money penalty or fine

Today’s word of the day is… Photosynthesis: In biology: the complex process by which carbon dioxide, water and certain inorganic salts are converted into carbohydrates by green plants, using energy from the sun and chlorphyll

Today’s word of the day is… Plagiarism: An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representations that author’s work as one’s owns – also by not crediting the original author (Related: to plagiarize)

Today’s word of the day is… Plasma: In anatomy or physiology: the liquid part of blood or lymph, as distinguished from the suspended elements. In cell biology: cytoplasm In physics: a highly ionized gas containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and electrons.

Today’s word of the day is… Polymer: A compound of high molecular weight derived either by the addition of many smaller molecules, as a polyethylene, or by the condensation of many smaller molecules with the elimination of water, alcohol, or the like, as nylon A compound from two or more polymeric compounds

Today’s word of the day is… Precipitate: To hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely, hastily or suddenly To precipitate an international crisis. To cast down headlong; fling or hurl down He precipitated himself into the struggle In chemistry: to separate a substance in solid form from a solution In meteorology: to fall to the earth’s surface as a condensed form of water (rain, snow, hail or drizzle)

Today’s word of the day is… Precipitous: Of the nature of or characterized by precipices A precipitous wall of rock Extremely or impassably steep: precipitous mountain trails

Today’s word of the day is… Quasar:

Today’s word of the day is… Quotidian:

Today’s word of the day is… Recapitulate:

Today’s word of the day is… Reciprocal:

Today’s word of the day is… Reparation:

Today’s word of the day is… Respiration:

Today’s word of the day is… Sanguine:

Today’s word of the day is… Soliloquy:

Today’s word of the day is… Subjugate:

Today’s word of the day is… Suffragist:

Today’s word of the day is… Supercilious:

Today’s word of the day is… Tautology:

Today’s word of the day is… Taxonomy:

Today’s word of the day is… Tectonic:

Today’s word of the day is… Tempestuous:

Today’s word of the day is…

Today’s word of the day is…

Today’s word of the day is…

Today’s word of the day is…

Today’s word of the day is…