EMIS, 2002, Victoria, Canada Mats Lindroos for PSMB Mats Lindroos
Topics First results from new RIB facilities REX-ISOLDE ISAC SPIRAL Louvien-la-neuve Recoil and in-flight separation ISOL systems Targets Ions sources Laser ionization Atomic sepctroscopy New beams Mats Lindroos
Topics ISOL systems Ion traps Experimental systems Applications Optics Acceleration Charge breeding Ion traps High accuracy mass spectroscopy Neutral atoms RFQ traps Gas catchers Experimental systems Applications Mats Lindroos
Future plans GSI upgrades ISOLDE upgrades RIKEN RIB project Joint KEK-JAERI RNB project EURISOL project RIA project Mats Lindroos
Remarks Radioactive enhanced diffusion observed at ISOLDE and ISAC (J. Lettry and M. Dombski) ISOLDE: Worlds highest concentration of “traps” (radioactive beams) Strong community with “rich” and fascinating plans for the future Nuclear physics is developing towards complexity and investments costs similar to high energy physics Excellent conference and extremely well organized Next EMIS in GANIL (3-5 years from now) Mats Lindroos
Travel costs Mats Lindroos