What was the Great depression? The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade before World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s. It was the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century.
Dorthea lange Dorthea Lange was a photographer who took some of the most famous photographs in American history while documenting the Great Depression.
Directions: Take out your notes. Write “Question #4: What did photographs from the 1930s reveal about the Great Depression?” Imagine that you are a photographer from the 30s who was given an assignment to capture the power of the Great Depression through photographs. You and your partner will be assigned a photo that you will imagine that you took as part of the assignment. Write the number of the image then develop a title and short description for it. Then, describe why you as the photographer would have taken that particular image to represent the Great Depression!
Crowd gathering on Wall Street after the 1929 crash. #1 Crowd gathering on Wall Street after the 1929 crash.
#2 Man stands asking for help to get a job during the Great Depression. He is NOT wanting charity.
#3 Young children protest about the record high unemployment during the Great Depression.
A homeless man with a wheel barrel, 1933. #4 A homeless man with a wheel barrel, 1933.
Man lying down on pier, New York City docks, 1935 #5 Man lying down on pier, New York City docks, 1935
#6 The line of unemployed people in this image extended much further and had to be cropped to fit.
#7 Women serve bread and soup to the unemployed at a soup kitchen during the Great Depression.
#8 Buried machinery in a barn lot; South Dakota, May 1936. The Dust Bowl on the Great Plains coincided with the Great Depression.
#9 Photograph of 'Okies' (from Oklahoma) Driving to California During the Great Depression.
Homeless family traveling by train. #10 Homeless family traveling by train.
Family during the Great Depression, California, 1936. #11 Family during the Great Depression, California, 1936.
#12 Same mother and children. This image shows the tent the family lives in.
#13 A squatter settlement set up during the Great Depression; many were unable to afford homes or better living.
Mother sitting with her two children. #14 Mother sitting with her two children.
Mother with two young children. #15 Mother with two young children.
Final Reflection Now that you have seen many photos from the Great Depression answer Question #4 – What did photos from the 1930s reveal about the Great Depression?