By Aoife, Chaunce and Daniel Roman Housing By Aoife, Chaunce and Daniel
Roman Houses.... In Rome there were many different types of houses Rich people had very grand and big houses. Poor people lived in smaller, simpler houses.
Family Relationship..... The Latin word for family was familia which meant Household. For a lot of Roman’s, the family was not just people living in the house. Even the furniture was considered family! The slaves that lived in the house were also part of the family.
Rich Roman Houses..... Extended family lived in the house too. (Grandparents, parents and kids) Made out of red bricks. Rooms in the house: A front door, an atrium, bedrooms, an office, a dining room, a kitchen, a temple, a garden, a toilet and a private bath, Rooms were arranged around the atrium All balconies and windows faced in to the atrium so that robbers wouldn’t rob the house. Lots of painting on the walls and barely any furniture and no carpeting. Main rooms were decorated with coloured plaster and if they could afford, beautiful mosaics.They represented how wealthy you were and how important your family was. Furniture was basic and they mainly used reclining couches. They had water pumped straight to them.
Poor Roman Houses.... If you lived in Rome, you lived in an Insulae, which was what we now call an apartment. They were usually 3 or 4 stories high. In the early stages of Rome they were made of wood and so usually caught on fire. Later on they were made of brick. There was only one or two rooms in the insulae. People only used them for sleeping though because they had to work, visit the baths (insulae had no running water!) They usually ate at local inns as cooking was dangerous in insulae.
The house A Rich Roman house..........
The Vestibulum The vestibulum is a long, narrow passage way that connects the front door to the house.
The Atrium Atrium- An Atrium is a big and airy room. It is a formal entrance hall. Guest were greeted there by the family. It was also used for family occasions.
Tabernae Wealthy Roman’s often rented out the front rooms of their house as shops. These rooms were not connected to the house and had seperate doors that opened out onto the street.
Cubiculum The cubiculums are small bedrooms. These are usually the children and the grandparents bedrooms. They are just off from the atrium.
The Culina The culina is a kitchen. It is a small, dark and poor room. It does not need to be grand like the rest of the house because only the slaves are ever in here. The cooking is done in ovens.
The Triclinium The Triclinium is the dining room. There are big, wide couches here for the people to eat on instead of a table and chairs. The family always eat on their left side supported by big cushions.
The Tablinium The tablinium is an office/study It is just behind the atrium and opens out on both sides.
The Peristylium The peristylium is like a garden It is inside the house instead of outside The peristylium was surrounded by lots of big columns. It usually contains flowers, shrubs, benches, fountains, sculptures and fish ponds.
The Exedra The exedra is a garden room. It was used for formal entertainments and dinner parties. It was a very large and elegant room and was located just off the peristylium. The wall paintings and the mosaics on this room often were a garden theme.
The End! And that is what a rich Roman house is like! Thank you for watching our awesome slideshow about Roman houses! We hope you enjoyed it!!!