A home for Ms Betty Sustainable Housing in the Bayous: the Lift House Initiative Fighting the evil twins Katrina and Rita A collaboration of SIGUS
What did we do? We explored the context We explored the issues We learned building and local practice, and met families We designed a concept We monitored and learned from the process We designed and built components We make information available to other Ms Bettys And we go on – further research for other Ms Bettys We explored the context We explored the issues We learned building and local practice, and met families We designed a concept We monitored and learned from the process We designed and built components We make information available to other Ms Bettys And we go on – further research for other Ms Bettys A Home for Ms Betty 2 And Ms Betty is pleased – SIGUS
We explored the context A Home for Ms Betty 3 Field Surveys Hurricane effects Current housing Traditional housing Bayou culture – SIGUS
A Home for Ms Betty 4 We explored the issues A broad-based student team tackled the challenge A broad-based student team tackled the challenge Core team of Architecture students, all levels Advanced students as technical advisors - environment - structural engineering - lifting technology Advanced students as technical advisors - environment - structural engineering - lifting technology Outside professionals in support - engineering - construction - environment Outside professionals in support - engineering - construction - environment – SIGUS
We learned building and local practice, and met families A Home for Ms Betty 5 – SIGUS Volunteer Weeks In Louisiana
A Home for Ms Betty 6 Jacobs house and Dons house were repaired as we learned – SIGUS
We designed a concept A Home for Ms Betty 7 Ms Betty+Volunteers+Sustainability Wind Flood Environment Culture Flexibility = Louisiana Lift House Built on ground with volunteers then lifted – SIGUS
We were very concerned about cultural sensitivity A House for Ms Betty 8 We dont want it to be weird We want flexibility Basic Unit Module Ms Bettys Home 12-0 structural module – Bayou residents – SIGUS
A Home for Ms Betty 9 We studied and included environmental sustainability elements DURABILITY-STORM WORTHINESS ENERGY AND RESOURCE EFFICIENCY FRAMINGstrapping, clips nailing schedule roof shape roof material framing treatment advanced framing WALL ASSEMBLYexterior rain screen panel siding insulating sheathing INTERIORflood tolerate gypsum interior trim ceramic tile flooding subfloor alternative flooring MINIMIZE SOLARhouse orientation SOLAR GAINoverhangs material color radiant barrier low-E windows shutters plant shading VENTILATIONnatural ventilation fans INSULATIONunfaced insulation AIR FILTRATIONchalking CONSTRUCTION WASTE REUSE HVAC SYSTEMS – SIGUS
A Home for Ms Betty 10 We monitored and learned from the process – SIGUS
A Home for Ms Betty 11 All construction phases were studied and documented. – SIGUS
We designed and built components A Home for Ms Betty 12 A Design-Build International Workshop in Louisiana Sweat! Design! Build! Washing area for volunteer village Trellis walkway for volunteer village Replanning of site Storm Shutter design for Gulf Coast housing Four projects: – SIGUS
A Home for Ms Betty 13 Wash area with recycled materials Plants for cooling without wind risk We built and in action – SIGUS
A Home for Ms Betty 14 Shade and site planning Affordable storm shutters for the Gulf Coast Site rearranged and walkway gardens planted Adopted by local builders – SIGUS
We make information available to other Ms Bettys and supporters A Home for Ms Betty 15 BUILDING UP ON THE BAYOUS A guide for building on the hurricane Gulf Coast for community groups and homeowners Contents: Getting Started Choosing the House Design Working with Volunteers Managing the Construction Celebration and Reflection Reaching the DIY builders Selected Resources – SIGUS
A Home for Ms Betty 16 Format designed for dual poster and report use – SIGUS
And Ms Betty is pleased! From an idea – and sweet beginnings: Building the base Up it goes!Starting framing –Covered A permit – And it begins! A site – Almost there – A Home for Ms Betty 17 And Lift Off! Her home is finished! – SIGUS
A Home for Ms Betty 18 Many Lift Houses planned - six completed! One is underway We will assist in an outreach program in a see-learn-do approach. The evil twins Katrina and Rita have lost? – SIGUS Ms. Betty
And now the Lift House plans are available for all: - tested - proven - affordable - SAFE! A Home for Ms Betty 19 – SIGUS and even Gustav couldnt stop them…
And we go on – further research for other Ms Bettys Increasing Code Compliance to Upgrade Housing Quality The Program: Preparation of user friendly aids to clarify process: Posters, leaflets, multi-media guides Review of process and brainstorm with officials to streamline approach and accessibility: Combine steps. Better user access: location, times, mobile office? Lower fees? A Home for Ms Betty 19
And we go on Outreach to the Little Nicks The Informal DIYers How can we future architects help the vast number of people who build by themselves? Most lower income build informally. Recent imposition of building codes, with increased requirements and costs will multiply informal building. Most lower income build informally. Recent imposition of building codes, with increased requirements and costs will multiply informal building. 1 - What five things do we tell informal builders that must be done to improve survivability of hurricanes? 2 - How do we reach Little Nicks - how do we communicate? 1 - What five things do we tell informal builders that must be done to improve survivability of hurricanes? 2 - How do we reach Little Nicks - how do we communicate? The research questions: It is the cajun way - build your own house! A Home for Ms Betty 21 – SIGUS
And now to think about a Community of Lift Houses… Villages on the First Floor A rethinking of what it means - and what form it would take - when living in a world of Lift Houses A Home for Ms Betty 22
SIGUS Special Interest Group in Urban Settlement web.mit.edu/sigus Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Architecture and Planning September 2008 Sustainable Housing on the Bayous A TRAC-Oxfam American-SIGUS/MIT collaboration. This project is a part of an initiative to rebuild homes destroyed by Hurricanes Rita and Katrina on the bayous of southern Louisiana, and to protect against future hurricane challenges. A broad range of interventions are considered: rebuilding and repair, outreach and training, and regulatory processes, for the formal and informal construction sectors. Oxfam America Terrebonne Readiness and Assistance Coalition