Short and long term strategy on Land Cover/Land Use information


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Presentation transcript:

Short and long term strategy on Land Cover/Land Use information WG 11 June 2013 – Item 5 LUCAS Team – E4

Short and long term strategy on LC/LU data collection - background Evolution of LUCAS survey (scope, methodology, legal base) LUCAS Output: EU fully harmonised and comparable statistics, Indicators and in-situ data on LC, LU and landscape (NUTS2) landscape photo archive MS and DGs from dichotomy to AG

AG: mandate and activities (DIMESA, CPSA, ENV, CLIMA, ENTR,AGRI, JRC, EEA, FAO) 10 MS (BG, DE, FR, ES, HU, PL, FI, IT, RO, UK) + CH 4 meetings Clear assessment on the user needs Need for a specific legal basis Use of a centralized or decentralized approach for data collection Harmonised and INSPIRE compliant classifications Further exploitation of existing data Recommendations for short / long term

The Advisory Group has been successful in clarifying important contextual aspects of the LUCAS survey, such as its role within important Commission policy initiatives as well as outlining key terms for a successful long-term strategy based on cooperation with Member States.

EU User Needs DG AGRI DG CLIMA Eurostat TIMING DG ENTR DG ENV EEA JRC AEI, GAEC, CAP DG CLIMA Kyoto LULUCF, ResEff, GHG Eurostat TIMING 2015 – 2018 - … DG ENTR Copernicus DG ENV Biodiversity, Soil, Forest Action plan, Renewable Energy Directive EU User Needs Specific in situ; policy indicators ; parameters; ≠ contribution of LUCAS, changes over t, share EEA SEBI, CSI, CLIM, CLC, HRL JRC Research community

What is LUCAS used for: use cases   LU/LC Stat. LU/LC micro LU/LC transect Soil survey Pictures Corine Land Cover map X Copernicus High Resolution Layers Populationgrid Landscape analysis Eurostat CAPRI model Soil quality and erosion Soil strategy  X

Corine Land Cover Re-interpretation of IMAGE2000 with the help of LUCAS data: class-level accuracies (reliability and confidence intervals) (Maucha and Büttner; 2006)

CAPRI model

Soil quality and erosion  Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Common Agricultural Policy post 2013 - Soil organic matter (AEI 26: Soil quality – CMEF Impact and Context indicator) - Soil erosion (AEI 21: Soil erosion – CMEF Impact and Context indicator)

Landscape analysis: linear elements Shannon Evenness Index Density of linear elements

Guiding principles of the strategy LUCAS as multi-purpose platform for in situ data core LUCAS + ad hoc modules Financed by policy DGs Commission Steering Committee INSPIRE standards Way opened for a closer cooperation with MS Specific legal basis to be investigated

Guiding principles of the strategy (2) Short term (2015) / Long term (from 2018) Simplified LUCAS 2015 Preparations by summer 2014. INSPIRE specifications Based on AWP ,“voluntary data collection" MS active in the survey (cooperating / as contractors) Preparation for 2018 and more Survey guidelines to be agreed and approved by the governance structure of CPSA/DIMESA and the ESSC. Combining national survey with LUCAS framework (Task Force) Fine tuning methodology Common tool for data collection and processing Legal instruments Harmonised methodological approach preserved Future Lucas as a mixed dataset (national + European surveys) Under conditions

Next steps: 11 June 2013 Presentation of the final report of the Advisory Group and the Strategy Proposal to WG on Land Cover and Land Use meeting June 2013 Definition of the next LUCAS date and features and the exact terms for the financing Q4 2013 1° meeting of Task Force November 2013 Paper to the ESSC on the strategy for LUCAS Q2 2014 Call for tender LUCAS 2015 Q4 2014 Contracts for LUCAS 2015 signed

Thank you for your attention!